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Tag: ‘Akilisi Pohiva

OBITUARY: By Philip Cass of Kaniva Tonga A New Zealand politician and human rights activist with a strong connection to Tonga’s Democracy movement and other...

By Michael Andrew Pacific media associates have paid tribute to the late Tongan Prime Minster 'Akilisi Pohiva, who died in New Zealand earlier this week. An...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News The government of Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva has planned an audience with the King of Tonga after a...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News Tonga's Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pohiva disagrees with a decision by his Minister of Education to ban girls from...

By Kalino Lātū, editor of Kaniva News Tongan Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva told his supporters that if he had really wanted to take away people’s...

By Philip Cass of Kaniva News Tonga's Democrats have won 14 seats today in the snap election in the only Pacific kingdom, giving them enough...

By Kalino Lātū, editor of Kaniva News A coin toss was used to decide whether Lord Vaea or Lord Vaha’i today won the third seat...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk  Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has condemned moves by Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva’s government to "gag" the Tonga Broadcasting Commission prior to...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News Two senior journalists have been ousted from the newsroom for new roles in a shake-up at the state...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News Tongan interim Prime Minister ʻAkilisi Pōhiva says he suspected his rejection of a proposal by the Deputy Prime...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva has fired Deputy Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni and Finance Minister Tēvita Lavemaau, says a...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News The government of dismissed democracy Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva has been urged to take legal actions against King...

ANALYSIS: By Philip Cass in Auckland For Australian observers of the unfolding crisis in Tonga, there are inescapable parallels between the events of August 25,...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News King Tupou VI has proclaimed ʻAkilisi Pōhiva’s cabinet will continue on as Tonga's caretaker government, which will run...

Tagata Pasifika's report on the Tongan crisis today. Video: Sun*Pix By Philip Cass in Auckland There was disappointment and fears of violence early today in the...

By Kalino Latu, editor of Kaniva News King Tupou VI of Tonga has officially dissolved Tongaʻs Parliament effective from Thursday, dismissing democracy Prime Minister 'Akilisi...

By Philip Cass in Auckland Radio New Zealand International's presenter of Dateline Pacific, Don Wiseman, has suggested Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva's son read the New Zealand...

By Kendall Hutt The future of Tonga’s Democracy Coalition remains uncertain as next year’s election looms, a Nuku'alofa-based educator has concluded in a public seminar...

An historic step on the road to freedom for West Papua has been taken in London. At a meeting of the International Parliamentarians for West...

By Kalafi Moala in Nuku'alofa The man who was once jailed for his stand for press freedom in the kingdom of Tonga has now breached...