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Pacific Media Watch

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Pacific Media Watch is compiled for Asia Pacific Report as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators.

From the Vanuatu Daily Post's celebration special edition today: Marc Neil-Jones’ newspaper Vanuatu Daily Post celebrates an historic milestone today. We need to remember how...

Land of the Morning Star ... the 2004 documentary on West Papua made by Mark Worth. From Pacific Media Watch / Australians for a Free...

There are still too few Māori in New Zealand’s newsrooms, media researcher Julie Middleton says. Middleton, who has worked for the New Zealand Herald, the...

An example of a documentary video made by a partner group of West Papua Media, AwasMIFEE. Since joining Indonesia officially in 1969, there were...

By Colette Davidson When journalist and media activist Victor Mambor wants information from inside Papua, Indonesia, he knows how to get it -- he has...

Heavily armed Papua New Guinea police in camouflage fatigues confront students before opening fire on them on 8 June 2016. Image: PMC video The shootings...

Fear and Desperation: Refugees and Migrants Pour into Greece. Prizewinning footage shot in October 2015 – March 2016, Greece. Video: Rory Peck Awards Will Vassilopoulos,...

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Media Association blong Vanuatu (MAV), in commending the recent passing of a Right...

By Matilda Simmons in Suva Two prominent Fiji lawyers and members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Human Rights had a go...

Pacific Media Watch in Auckland Thirty-three of New Zealand's most senior editors have urged the Commerce Commission to rethink its plan to reject the proposed...

The Road to Home, an award-winning feature length documentary about British-based West Papuan human rights campaigner Benny Wenda will be screening on Australian television from...

The president of Papua New Guinea's media council says there is a need for the country's media ethics codes to be revised, Radio NZ...

By Stefan Armbruster in Brisbane SBS World News has not been granted a journalist visa to cover Nauru’s general election this weekend, despite a direct...

By Nasik Swami in Suva The Fiji government has called for expressions of interest from public relations firms since the contract for the US-based Qorvis...

A major challenge for Pacific Island nations is how to address corruption, lack of accountability and transparency and mismanagement of public and private resources. Now...

The alternative New Zealand radio station 95bFM, based at the University of Auckland, today featured Papua New Guinea's student unrest in a live interview. Andrew...

New Zealand news media are “ignoring” the biggest story in the Pacific region in spite of a social media revolution taking the storytelling to...

By John Gibb of the Otago Daily Times Some New Zealand government ministries risk being damaged in the long term by their refusal, at times,...

New Zealand diplomats remain "sceptical of megaphone diplomacy'' but are increasingly making use of social media, although not in an "indiscriminate'' way, reports John...

By Michelle Curran After just one-week in New Zealand, three Pacific-based media and journalism students taking part in Pacific Cooperation Foundation’s (PCF) Media Programme have...

Le Va, in partnership with Pasifika media, has launched the "Pasifika media guidelines for reporting suicide". This whiteboard video provides an overview. OPINION: By Kalafi...

Samoa's Office of the Ombudsman has received a number of complaints in relation to the controversial article “Suicide in Church Hall” published on the...