Monthly Archives: August 2023

Vanuatu Minister for Climate Change Adaptation Ralph Regenvanu

Asia Pacific Report An Australian advocacy group in support of West Papuan self-determination has criticised the Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders for failing to grant West...
Flying high for Melanesia . . . the Kanaky New Caledonia flag

By Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific lead digital and social media journalist The leaders of five Melanesian nations have agreed to write to French President Emmanuel...
Vanuatu's Climate Change Minister Ralph Regenvanu

By Len Garae in Port Vila The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) has failed West Papua, says a Vanuatu government champion of West Papuan self-determination. Minister for...
More than 200,000 voters are going to the polling booths for the first time in NZ

By Blessen Tom, RNZ journalist, and Liu Chen , RNZ journalist, for IndoNZ The upcoming general election in Aotearoa New Zealand is poised to witness...
Suspended Papua Governor Lukas Enembe

SPECIAL REPORT: By Yamin Kogoya The Jakarta District Court heard the case of alleged bribery and gratification against suspended Papua governor Lukas Enembe on Monday...
New National Federation Party president Pramod Chand (left) welcomes Professor Steven Ratuva

By Anish Chand in Lautoka The biggest danger to Fiji’s security and stability remains the possibility of another coup “when the circumstances are right”, warns...
Indonesian associate membership of MSG

Asia Pacific Report In spite of again being denied full membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has...
Deployment in Enga comprises more than 120 PNG Defence Force soldiers

By Theophiles Singh in Port Moresby Police Commissioner David Manning has warned Papua New Guinea's security force staff and partners not to let their guard...
It is important politically and economically for New Zealand to have trading relations with both G7 and developing countries

POLITICAL BYTES: By Ian Powell There is a reported apparent rift within cabinet between Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta and Defence Minister Andrew Little over Aotearoa...
PNG's Correctional Services Commissioner Stephen Pokanis

PNG Post-Courier Five Papua New Guinean prisoners have been shot dead in Buiebi, Imbongu, Southern Highlands, after taking a pastor and duty warder hostage yesterday. And...
Retired academic Professor Vijay Naidu and Fonu Emberson-Bain -- wearing the Fiji Anti-Nuclear Group (FANG) tee-shirt

RNZ Pacific One of Fiji's three deputy prime ministers, Viliame Gavoka, has appealed to the country's prime minister to review his stance on Japan's disposal...
Ni-Vanuatu people going on about their daily lives in Port Vila

By Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific lead digital and social media journalist People in Vanuatu believe politicians need to look beyond their own four walls and...
The ground-breaking ceremony for the Indonesian-funded ugrade of the VIP Lounge in Port Vila

By Doddy Morris in Port Vila The controversial multimilion dollar funding that Indonesia is providing to Vanuatu comes in response to a request made by...
Former Vanuatu prime minister Barak Sope

Asia Pacific Report The United Liberation Movement for West Papua has responded cautiously over the Melanesian Spearhead Group’s surprise denial of full membership at its...
Vanuatu's public broadcaster VBTC reporting on the Melanesian Spearhead Group's denial of full membership for West Papua

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan leader has condemned the Melanesian Spearhead Group for abandoning the West Papuan cause in favour of a "corrupt alliance"...
West Papuan support for the Melanesian Spearhead Group

By David Robie, editor of Asia Pacific Report The Melanesian Spearhead Group has thrown away a golden chance for achieving a historical step towards justice...

The battle to stop the destruction in Australia of critical koala habitats in state forests in Northern NSW has escalated in recent weeks. Wendy...
Protesters against the Fukushima wastewater dump in Aiuckland yesterday

By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific journalist Japan yesterday began the decades-long release of more than one million tonnes of treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific...
Vanuatu's two biggest stories today as presented by the Vanuatu Daily Post this morning

By Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific journalist in Port Vila and Christine Persico The Vanuatu Supreme Court has ruled in favour of the opposition, which contested...
MSG leaders sign the two declarations - on climate crisis and subregional security

By Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific journalist in Port Vila The leaders of five Melanesian countries and territories avoided a definitive update on the status of...
Hawai'i Governor Josh Green talks to Face the Nation

By Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific journalist Locals are asking tourists to return to Maui after asking for space in the initial aftermath of the deadly...
The Melanesian Spearhead Group pact signing in Port Vila yesterday

By Doddy Morris in Port Vila Melanesian prime ministers have have signed off two declarations addressing the pressing issues of climate crisis and national security. The...