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APR editor

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Duty editor of the Asia Pacific Report/Evening Report collaboration Feedback: Email the editor

By Lealaiauloto Fatu Tauafiafi in Auckland Seventeen Pacific island countries, including New Zealand and its territory Tokelau, will have the results of a Pacific-wide study...

By Mark Bowling Allegations of recent military and police intimidation, beatings and torture, kidnapping and murder in West Papua, have been documented in a new...

By Josie Butler This week marks the beginning of the New Zealand government’s national roadshow on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a roadshow that...

Joanna, 11, talks about life in Vanuatu one year on after Cyclone Pam. Video: UNICEF By Karen Allen Something is seriously wrong in the Pacific. The numbers...

By Hannah Short Former president of Timor-Leste and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr José Ramos-Horta praised the educational opportunity being provided for students from his...

By Alex Perrottet in The Fiji Times Severe tropical cyclone Winston unleashed the full force of mother nature on a beautiful country. But the peace and...

While Fiji comes to terms with its own devastation in the wake of category 5 Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston last month, Vanuatu is now...

Workers in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) protested at the city hall this week...

Pack your sunhat and sunscreen, and plan your journey to Auckland's Western Springs Park – Pasifika returns this weekend. One of New Zealand’s longest-standing and...

By Lealaiauloto A F Tauafiafi in Auckland The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) has walked away with the top two global prizes awarded for efforts against...

The findings of a major study which will put accurate and up to date numbers to the nature and extent of illegal, unreported and...

By Allison Penjueli in Suva A total of $476.3 million of estimated damages in all sectors was recorded from damages caused by TC Winston, the...

An International Women's Day message by Holly Miller. I’m writing this from Fiji, where a 30-day State of Emergency continues following Tropical Cyclone Winston, which...

By Diedre Fanene in Apia Ali’imalemanu Alofa Tuuau is a proud Samoan woman. She is the only new female representative in Samoa's Parliament, having secured...

“Respect”, as Father Walter Lini famously said, “is honourable”. But despite the enormous social, economic and cultural contributions they make every day, Vanuatu’s women are rarely given the respect they deserve;...

By Anita Roberts in Port Vila Tonnes of relief supplies donated to the people of Vanuatu in the aftermath of the category 5 cyclone Pam...

By Jason Smith A fishing rights dispute that has seen the US-flagged tuna fleet grounded in the Western and Central Pacific has ended with Pacific...

By Eva Cox There was a 1970s badge that declared: Women who want equality with men lack ambition. This statement neatly sums up the broad intentions of...

By Lealaiauloto A F Tauafiafi in Auckland At the official opening of the 5th Global Fisheries Enforcement Training Workshop today there was general agreement that...

By Fatu Tauafiafi in Auckland A large contingent of Pacific island country officials will be among delegates from 60 countries meeting in Auckland today to...

By Anna Majavu Prominent Auckland academics and community leaders have called on the New Zealand police to formally apologise for "rubbishing" new research alleging that...

Trailer for Le Salaire des Profondeur, a deeply disturbing New Caledonian film about the fate of Fijian fishermen diving for sea cucumbers. By Christina Milligan...