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Tag: FijiFirst

COMMENTARY: By Graham Davis of Grubsheet Feejee In a sign of utter desperation as Fiji's general election election approaches, the Attorney-General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, has targeted...

RNZ Pacific Sitiveni Rabuka is infamous for making Fiji a republic after carrying out a military coup 35 years ago by overthrowing an Indo-Fijian dominated...

By Arieta Vakasukawaqa in Suva Former FijiFirst party member and parliamentarian Alifereti Nabulivou claims many Fijians across the country have only one thing in mind:...

By Felix Chaudhary in Suva People’s Alliance party leader Sitiveni Rabuka says the FijiFirst government is not fit to run the country because it cannot...

By Arieta Vakasukawaqa in Suva Opposition National Federation Party leader Professor Biman Prasad has questioned the motive of the FijiFirst government to continuously highlight the...

By Koroi Hawkins, RNZ Pacific journalist Campaigning is underway for the general election in Fiji later this year and early predictions are pointing to a...

By Christine Rovoi, RNZ Pacific journalist A human rights advocate in Fiji says the country should be ashamed of the exile of the now dead...

By Anish Chand in Suva Of 1000 Fijians surveyed by Transparency International, 11 percent claimed they were asked for sexual favours in exchange for government...

COMMENT: By Grubsheet's Graham Davis A public relations disaster for Fiji just as Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum head to Glasgow for...

EDITORIAL: By the Fiji Times editor-in-chief Fred Wesley Fiji's Assistant Minister for iTaukei Affairs Selai Adimaitoga said quite a lot on Friday in her end...

By Luke Nacei in Suva Fiji's pposition National Federation Party leader Professor Biman Prasad told Parliament yesterday that the Electoral Registration of Voters (Amendment) Bill...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Fiji celebrated Constitution Day today virtually due to the ongoing civid-19 pandemic crisis, but many see the day as a hollow...

COMMENTARY: By Graham Davis Last month, I wrote on Facebook that the resumption of my blog Grubsheet for 2021 was being postponed out of consideration...

By RNZ Pacific Fiji Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama is polling highly in the latest pre-election poll in Fiji. But two weeks out from the election, the...

By Sri Krishnamurthi of the Pacific Media Centre Fiji's Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) leader Sitiveni Rabuka is confident of winning government benches in the...

OPINION: By Sri Krishnamurthi in Suva When I left Fiji 30 years ago, a week after the first coup in 1987, I planned to write...

The Fiji media laws aren’t as draconian as they are perceived – if one follows rules - Asia Pacific Report's Sri Krishnamurthi was told...

By Nasik Swami in Suva Fiji's 2018 General Election is going to be a close contest between the ruling FijiFirst and the opposition parties, according...

OPINION: By Tess Newton Cain in Port Vila In September 2014, after 8 years of military rule, the people of Fiji went to the polls. The...

Dr Biman Prasad, leader of Fiji's Opposition National Federation Party, suspended for 30 days yesterday by the Fijian Elections Office, assesses the country's "deeply...