By Peter S. Kinjap   Candidates contesting Papua New Guinea's Ialibu/Pangia Open Electorate in the Southern Highlands province have accused Prime Minister Peter O'Neill of "rigging"...

By Peter S. Kinjap in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's Lae Metropolitan Police Superintendent Anthony Wagambie Jnr has confirmed that ballot papers were burnt at...

By Zachary Per in Madang A three-member polling team has told of how they had to walk for hours carrying two ballot boxes, crossing 11...

By Geraldine Kalabai in Port Moresby The Media Council of Papua New Guinea is seeking a legal opinion on the effects of the government's 2016...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk Papua New Guinea's general election has been rocked with many disruptions, the cancellation of the capital Port Moresby's one-day polling, and...

Papua New Guinea's under fire Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato says he will not step down and will continue to ensure the general election is...

Pacific Media Watch editor Kendall Hutt's video on the nuclear free law campaign. Off The Wall: with Padre James Bhagwan in Suva As we conclude the...

By Gloria Bauai in Port Moresby Is history repeating itself for the Moresby North West electorate in the Papua New Guinean general election? In 2012, polling...

By Brandon Ulfsby in Apia A youth employment survey report in Samoa is seeking to inform government policy decisions after its findings take a closer...

By Kendall Hutt, Pacific Media Watch contributing editor Pacific exchange journalists kicked off their two-week internship in New Zealand with a visit to the Pacific...

By Asrida Elisabeth and adapted by Basten Gokkon  In an attempt to conserve the birds-of-paradise for which the region is famous, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has banned...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk There was an unusual sight during the 1438th Eid (Eid al-Fitr) prayers at the Wonosari Square in the Gunungkidul regency of...

One-day polling for Post Moresby residents takes place today. Video: EMTV News By Eric Haurupma in Port Moresby With Papua New Guinea's National Capital District (NCD)...

A citizens video appealing to Papua New Guinean citizens to beat corruption and "vote for change". Video: Mangi PNG By Kiwiana Ngabung in Port Moresby Transparency International...

Hamilton law student Sarah Thomson speaking about her court case against the NZ government. Video: Greenpeace NZ A New Zealand law student is battling the...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk The Joint Security Operation in Papua New Guinea's Western Province will see more than 100 Defence Force troops assisting in the...

Pacific Media Watch News Desk The Pacific Media Centre will host three student journalists today in the opening session of a two-week attachment media programme...

Kim Dotcom ... the "most wanted man online". Video: Caught in the Web Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web is the new...

Pacific Media Watch Press freedom and human rights advocates, journalists and social media users have condemned a demand by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk Papua New Guineans began voting today in the two-week-long rolling ballot at different polling places across the country. Voting began today in...