Pacific Media Watch
Martyn Bradbury’s 17 editorial ‘no go’ zones for the NZ media
COMMENTARY: By Martyn Bradbury
Last month The Daily Blog offered its New Year infamous news media gongs -- and blasts -- for 2022. In this...
Fiji’s draconian media law to be repealed for ‘free society’, says...
By Pauliasi Mateboto in Suva
Fiji Deputy Prime Minister Viliame Gavoka says the Media Industry Development Act will be replaced soon.
Speaking to members of the...
John Minto: Israel’s new leadership demands NZ reassess its Middle East...
The swearing in of the extremist leadership in Israel demands the Aotearoa New Zealand government reassess its policy towards the Middle...
1668 journalists killed in past 20 years (2003-2022), says RSF
Pacific Media Watch
With murders, contract killings, ambushes, war zone deaths and fatal injuries, a staggering total of 1668 journalists have been killed worldwide in...
‘Lots of information isn’t secret, it’s just hard to find’ –...
BOOK CHAPTER: By Nicky Hager
Whistleblower Owen Wilkes was a tireless and formidable researcher for the Pacific, peace and disarmament. Before the internet, he combed...
Rabuka’s message to the nation: ‘I am the PM of Fiji...
By Naveel Krishant in Suva
Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says he is the prime minister for the whole of Fiji and all of its people.
Why a royal princess from the Pacific is living in Arkansas
Pacific Media Watch
The US tested 67 nuclear weapons on the Marshall Islands, tricking the people who lived on Bikini Atoll to leave their homeland...
Local Democracy Reporting: Secret plans, health chaos, climate change among NZ’s...
By Conan Young , Local Democracy Reporting editor
This year was another huge one for Local Democracy Reporting, with our reporters at the forefront of...
Sodelpa joins Fiji coalition with Rabuka’s Alliance in split vote
Pacific Media Watch
The Social Democratic Liberal Party (Sodelpa) today decided to go into a coalition government in Fiji with the People’s Alliance and the...
Award-winning leadership professor calls on AUT to rethink redundancies
Pacific Media Watch
An award-winning professor of sport, leadership and governance has criticised her university's handling of recent redundancies of 170 academic staff, saying a...
Fijians have ‘chosen a new way, a new path’ under Rabuka,...
FBC News
An official communication will be sent to Fiji's President confirming the new People’s Alliance, National Federation Party and Sodelpa government is ready to...
This is more sinister than you think – my people’s freedom...
By Veronica Koman in Sydney
As an Indonesian lawyer living in exile in Australia, I find it deeply troubling that the changes to the Indonesian...
Mediawatch: NZ public media merger meets growing resistance as clock ticks
MEDIAWATCH: By Colin Peacock, RNZ Mediawatch presenter
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s hints this week that reforms will be pared back in 2023 -- and an...
Marape blasts foreign media, claiming ‘fake news’ on mining conference
The Sunday Bulletin
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape says it is very disappointing that foreign-owned media in the country continue to run “fake...
Fate of NZ research centre highlights university ‘blindness’, media freedom
SPECIAL REPORT: By Dr Lee Duffield
The launch of a New Zealand project to produce more Pacific news and provide a “voice for the voiceless”...
AUT VC Damon Salesa responds over 170 academic staff cuts
Pacific Media Watch
Yesterday RNZ's Nine to Noon programme looked at the impact of redundancies at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) among academic staff --...
‘Against propaganda, there are facts’ – RSF’s new global campaign video
The new Reporters Without Borders campaign video about Russian's invasion propaganda. Video: RSF
Pacific Media Watch
As Russia’s propaganda and crackdown on journalism continue to wreak...
Fiji contempt of court case – now defence lawyer cited over...
By Ian Chute in Suva
Fiji lawyer Jon Apted was yesterday accused of contempt of court for comments made in court two weeks ago while...
Fiji academic warns over media ‘climate injustice’ in open access webinar
By David Robie
A Fiji-based academic challenged the Pacific region’s media and policymakers today over climate crisis coverage, asking whether the discriminatory style of reporting...
BBC at 100: the future for global news and challenges facing...
ANALYSIS: By Simon Potter, University of Bristol
The BBC celebrated its 100th birthday last Tuesday. It came as the institution faces increasing competition for audiences...
Dame Valerie Adams sets record straight in a new documentary
REVIEW: By Susana Suisuiki, RNZ Pacific journalist
One of New Zealand's most celebrated athletes is opening up her on life journey on the big screen.
Gavin Ellis: News media face distrust by association with social media
COMMENTARY: By Gavin Ellis
A new study suggests that the news media’s tanking levels of public trust may be made worse merely by association with...