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Tag: Protest

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk About 50 people staged a "wall of noise" protest in Auckland's port today in a bid to shut down the Israeli...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk University of Auckland students rallied today against a plan to close several of the university's specialist libraries, reports RNZ National. The university's...

By Tony Firman in Jakarta Calls for West Papuan self-determination were prominent during a demonstration in front of the offices of PT Freeport Indonesia in...

By Mahsa Alimardani of Global Voices A spate of defiant Iranian women have taken to the streets of Tehran to protest against compulsory veiling. Photos of...

By Yovinus Guntur in Banyuwangi, Indonesia An Indonesian court has convicted and sentenced an environmentalist to 10 months in prison on a charge of spreading...

By Ristu Hanafi in Yogyakarta Protesters and students from Indonesia's Alliance against the Kulon Progo Airport have again demonstrated in front of the PT Angkasa...

By Dhio Faiz in Jakarta A demonstration held in Jakarta by hundreds of students and youth from the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) and the Indonesian...

By Lalu Rahadian in Jakarta Conflicts in Papua province will not be resolved until the Indonesian government provides the Papuan people with an opportunity to...

By Johnny Poiya and Jeffrey Elapa in Port Moresby A rampaging crowd has attacked Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s official vehicle and business...

By Dwi Andayani and Noval Dwinuary Antoni in Jakarta Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) advocacy head Muhammad Isnur has accused retired Major-General Kivlan Zen and...

Children as young as five have become the latest victims in what's believed to be the bloodiest week in the Philippines since President Rodrigo...

Pacific Media Centre's Alistar Kata profiles the legacy of activism from the 1985 Rainbow Warrior voyage to Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Video:...

By Peter S. Kinjap in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's Lae Metropolitan Police Superintendent Anthony Wagambie Jnr has confirmed that ballot papers were burnt at...

Landowner women and mothers have protested over plans to reopen the Panguna mine on Bougainville in Papua New Guinea. They demonstrated in Arawa in central...

Pacific Media Centre News Desk Greenpeace Indonesia has staged a protest in front of the US embassy in Jakarta over the decision of President Donald...

By Rachel E. Llorca in Manila   Fishermen from the archipelagic province of Romblon in the Philippines are opposed to planned deep sea mining ventures...

ANALYSIS: Tempo The blacklisting of Jack Hewson, a freelance journalist working for Al Jazeera, shows the Indonesian government's paranoia towards foreign journalists. The government should allow...

Three Greenpeace activists -- including Greenpeace NZ executive director Russel Norman -- today swam in front of the 125m Amazon Warrior, nicknamed "The Beast". The...

An unidentified US Navy destroyer launching missiles at a Syrian government air base. Video: TheMozzextras Iran has condemned a United States strike on a Syrian...

Bruno Barrillot talking about the legacy of French nuclear testing in the Pacific in the Witnesses of the Bomb programme in a 2013 multimedia...

The church in Indonesia has lent its weight behind an ongoing demonstration outside the presidential palace by Javanese farmers protesting against the establishment of...

By Kendall Hutt Young environmentalists were on the front lines of the fight against oil and gas exploration in New Zealand today with the People's...