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Tag: Protest

Pacific Media Watch US President Joe Biden has spoken at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner in Washington in spite of protests over alleged "complicity"...

By Mark Rabago, RNZ Pacific Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas correspondent A man on Saipan has burned the official CNMI flag in protest, saying that...

By Apenisa Waqairadovu in Suva The Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff (AUSPS) will now make necessary submissions to go on a...

RNZ News Auckland Museum has apologised for the hurt caused after it staged a light display in support of Israel on Sunday night. Auckland Museum lit...

Asia Pacific Report A peace researcher and other pro-Palestinian supporters are calling on Auckland Museum to apologise over a furore about the "unethical" lighting of...

RNZ News Hundreds of protesters have marched to Aotearoa New Zealand's Parliament in Wellington today, where streets were closed and the precinct blocked off in...

Asia Pacific Report At least 20 people were wounded when police used batons, water cannon and tear gas to disperse hundreds of people who joined...

By Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific PNG correspondent Students at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) marched to Parliament House in in the capital Port...

Asia Pacific Report The Australia West Papua Association has condemned an Indonesian crackdown on a peaceful Papua self-determination rally in Bali at the weekend after...

ANALYSIS: By Maria O'Sullivan, Monash University During the present period of mourning for Queen Elizabeth II, public sensitivities in the United Kingdom and Australia are...

ANALYSIS: By Richard Shaw, Massey University The final act in this week’s protest on the lawns of Parliament was the announcement by Destiny Church leader...

RNZ News New Zealand police praised how an anti-government protest at Parliament unfolded today, saying there were no arrests and no trespass orders issued. Police estimated...

ANALYSIS: By Aprila Wayar and Johnny Blades for The Diplomat A plan to create three new provinces in the Papua region highlights how Jakarta’s development...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk A protest action by Papuan students which took place in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar, which was opposing the...

By Thierry Lepani and Miriam Zarriga in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea The ugly side of Papua New Guinean elections has shown its face in...

COMMENTARY: By Yamin Kogoya A flurry of peaceful rallies and protests erupted in West Papua and Indonesia on Friday, June 3. Papuan People's Petition (PRP), the...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Indonesian police have been accused of beating two Papuan students with rattan sticks - severely injuring them -- while 20 other...

RNZ News Joe Hawke -- the prominent kaumātua and activist who led the long-running Takaparawhau occupation at Auckland's Bastion Point in the late 1970s --...

By Yance Agapa in Paniai Amnesty International Indonesia executive director Usman Hamid is asking the government to halt the planned gold mine at Wabu Block...

COMMENTARY: By David Robie Sadly, the Philippines has sold its soul. Thirty six years ago a People Power revolution ousted the dictator Ferdinand Marcos after...

RNZ Pacific A stand-off was averted on Norfolk Island today when a couple occupying a historic house chose to leave rather than face criminal charges. The...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The Humanitarian Coalition for Papua says that the unilateral creation of three new provinces in Papua by the Indonesian central government...