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Tag: human rights

By Len Garae in Port Vila “I was fighting in the mountains and I heard your voice from across the ocean coming to support my...

By Marguerite Afra Sapiie in Jakarta Indonesians have called on President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to immediately repeal Article 156a on religious blasphemy of the Criminal...

SPECIAL REPORT: It was early November 2016. As I waited for Laura Lyons from Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR), a tall, thin, old-looking man with...

An honorary doctorate degree for President Rodrigo Duterte? Not if students at the internationally renowned University of the Philippines can help it. Several students and...

By Kendall Hutt in Auckland Foreign companies are profiting off human rights abuses carried out at the Australian offshore refugee processing centre on Nauru, Amnesty...

ANALYSIS: By Selwyn Manning There is an overlooked aspect of the New Zealand Defence Force’s account of Operation Burnham that when scrutinised suggests a possible...

By Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson The Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant-General Tim Keating presented the NZ Defence Force response to the book Hit &...

Bruno Barrillot talking about the legacy of French nuclear testing in the Pacific in the Witnesses of the Bomb programme in a 2013 multimedia...

COMMENT: By Sharon Bhagwan Rolls in New York Pacific -- and global -- feminists are facing challenging times this week in New York with efforts...

EMTV News report of the court hearing in Port Moresby yesterday. By Sally Pokiton in Port Moresby The trial against Iranian refugee Loghman Sawari, who fled...

Ahead of the launch of her debut novel The Earth Cries Out, author Bonnie Etherington talks with Pacific Media Watch contributing editor Kendall Hutt...

"Like the anti-Marcos resistance four decades back, the only certainty members of the anti-fascist front can count on is that they’re doing the right...

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has backed an appeal from the International Coalition for Papua (ICP) for an investigation into an alleged torture...

A Vanuatu cabinet minister has delivered a stinging condemnation of Indonesia over the "grave situation" on human rights violations in West Papua. Ronald K Warsal,...

A scuffle erupts after around as Duterte supporters arrive at a rally of thousands of Duterte critics near the People Power Monument. Video: Rappler Critics...

By Lian Buan in Manila After visiting Senator Leila de Lima in jail, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV said that he will stop at nothing to...

Senator Leila de Lima has branded President Rodrigo Duterte a "sociopathic serial killer" after he was accused of ordering drug killings. Video: Pinas Trends A...

Amnesty International video and release of its Annual Report on the State of the World’s Human Rights.  Toxic fear mongering by anti-establishment politicians, among them...

By Alin Almanar in Jakarta Activists will soon file an appeal with Indonesia's Supreme Court against a ruling that overturned the state information body's order...

Jakarta has a new award for courage in journalism, honouring West Papuan editor Oktovianus Pogau who died last year. The inaugural award has been...

Thousands of Catholics "Walk for Life" in Manila to protest against the drug-related killings under President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs. Video: Papua New...

Video and images by the Pacific Media Centre's Del Abcede. Video: Café Pacific More than 2000 people have taken part in a colourful and vibrant ...