Yearly Archives: 2017


Launch of the Free West Papua Campaigns 2017 global petition calling for an internationally-supervised vote for West Papua at Westminster last week. Video: Pouk...

New statistics show indigenous Melanesians are not yet the minority they were previously thought to be in West Papua, reports Radio New Zealand International's...

Comment from Vanuatu Daily Digest Knee-jerk resentment of someone else’s success, as elsewhere, is sadly a feature of Vanuatu life, so the kind of comment seen...

About 20 protesters in support of West Papuan self-determination were defiant in the face of Indonesian nationalism "blasted at them from the embassy" and...

By Yuliawati in Jakarta Scores of Indonesian police blocked Papuan students in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta who planned to hold a demonstration on...

The viability of large electric vehicles (EVs) as replacements for current diesel buses is to be tested with a project that will see New...

Former slaves head for home: Thousands of fishermen rescued from brutal conditions on foreign fishing boats make the journey back home, many after years...

The face of West Papuan society is changing but RNZ International found that the core culture of the indigenous people of Indonesia's Papua region...

By Kendall Hutt The future of Tonga’s Democracy Coalition remains uncertain as next year’s election looms, a Nuku'alofa-based educator has concluded in a public seminar...

By Bob Makin in Port Vila The Vanuatu government’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Committee is confident that the submission of some 31 Bills to Parliament...

By Safrin La Batu in Jakarta Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab has called on the Indonesian government to pull from circulation the newly-issued...

Estonia may lie a continent and an ocean away from the two biggest polluters in the world – China and the United States –...

By Tokasa Rainima in Suva Fiji Times publisher Hank Arts’ bail variation application has been dismissed by the Suva High Court. Justice Thushara Rajasinghe told Arts...

From the Vanuatu Daily Post's celebration special edition today: Marc Neil-Jones’ newspaper Vanuatu Daily Post celebrates an historic milestone today. We need to remember how...

By Dan McGarry, media director of the Vanuatu Daily Post Media freedom is everyone’s freedom. We can’t take it for granted. My education in the challenges...

More than 2000 people took to the streets in Auckland at the weekend as marches for women's rights began across New Zealand on Saturday...

Philippine protesters at an anti-Trump rally in Manila at the weekend. Video: Eagle News Philippines Hundreds of Filipinos protested outside the United States embassy in...

A 7.9 magnitude earthquake has struck off Papua New Guinea, but there were no reports of casualties or damage after a potential tsunami did...

Auckland protesters, some chanting "Human rights are women's rights", marching up Queen Street to Myers Park in central Auckland yesterday. Video: Del Abcede/Pacific Media...

By Professor Thomas Clark The grace. The elegance. The deftness of touch. The quick intelligence. The soaring rhetoric. The unlimited aspirations. The hope of a...

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to pack into downtown Washington today for a women's march in opposition to newly inaugurated President Donald...

Archival footage from ABC News on Australian SAS training of Indonesian special forces in 2010 republished on the Special Forces News channel on YouTube...