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Tag: PNG no-confidence vote

By Miriam Zarriga in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's opposition leader James Nomane says Parliament needs to be recalled immediately as the gravity of Wednesday’s...

By Eleisha Foon, RNZ Pacific senior journalist Papua New Guinea's rising voice as opposition candidate for prime minister, East Sepik Governor Allan Bird, has pushed...

RNZ Pacific A Papua New Guinea MP who is being touted by the opposition as the next prime minister of the country says "my life...

By Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific PNG correspondent, and Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific journalist A vote of no confidence in Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James...

RNZ Pacific A total of 12 MPs in the Papua New Guinea government of Jame Marape have now switched sides, joining the opposition ahead of...

By Johnny Blades, RNZ Pacific journalist Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape has rejected opposition leader Belden Namah's call for him to resign. Namah's call...

By RNZ Pacific Politics in Papua New Guinea has been plunged into more turmoil today, with government MPs continuing to meet while the opposition was...

Papua New Guinea's opposition - bolstered by its government defectors - moved its camp to West Sepik provincial capital Vanimo at the weekened to...

COMMENTARY: By Scott Waide in Lae As the new Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, you have your work cut out for you. You have...

ANALYSIS: By EMTV News James Marape, Papua New Guinea's former Finance Minister and the man who led the defections that brought down the Peter O'Neill...

By RNZ Pacific Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has finally resigned. O'Neill told Parliament today he had tendered his resignation to the Governor-General this...

Embattled Prime Minister Peter O'Neill explains why he has gone to the Supreme Court to seek clarification on the vote of no-confidence procedure under...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk Sir Julius Chan says there has been a huge misunderstanding over yesterday’s press conference, reports EMTV News. His comments follow a media...

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill steps down from the top job and hands over the reigns to Sir Julius Chan, leader of Peoples Progress Party....

By RNZ Pacific Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has announced that is resigning, citing a need for change, after weeks of unrest in...

OPEN LETTER: By Gary Juffa, Governor of Oro Dear Prime Minister, You sold all our todays and were about to sell our children's tomorrows too. You...

By Johnny Blades of RNZ Pacific Political fallout from a controversial loan taken on by Papua New Guinea's government five years ago could hinder rather...

By EMTV News Papua New Guinea's political opposition has gone on the offensive, accusing Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's government of attempting to delay and defeat...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk A former editor of the PNG Post-Courier has condemned his old newspaper for an article “insulting the intelligence” of Papua New...

Recruiting the opposition numbers as the no-confidence vote looms for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's government when Parliament resumes tomorrow. Video: EMTV News By Scott Waide The...