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Tag: PNG Defence Force

PNG Post-Courier Papua New Guinea's Police Commissioner David Manning has commended the coordinated efforts between police and defence intelligence units in the lead up to...

By Eleisha Foon, RNZ Pacific senior journalist Scores of people have died in a huge landslide which has struck a remote village in the Papua...

By Miriam Zarriga in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's Defence Minister and minister responsible for the National Disaster Centre Dr Billy Joseph confirmed today that...

By Jeffrey Elapa in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's Defence Minister Dr Billy Joseph attended the second Japan Pacific Islands Defence Dialogue (JPIDD) in Tokyo,...

Warning: This story contains details that may be distressing to some readers. By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific journalist, and Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific PNG correspondent As...

PNG Post-Courier A kidnapped Australian pilot of a Hevilift helicopter and two Papua New Guinean subcontractors have been released without harm following a rapid deployment...

By Gorethy Kenneth and Miriam Zarriga in Port Moresby Rogue police officers have been alleged to be part of last Wednesday’s uprising of opportunists leading...

By Finau Fonua, RNZ Pacific journalist A political crisis is starting to brew in Papua New Guinea as calls are made for Prime Minster James...

By Jacob Pok in Port Moresby Concerns over alleged political interference in the command and control of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force are among...

COMMENTARY: A special correspondent in Port Moresby As an officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs in the Papua New Guinea government, I have to...

SPECIAL REPORT: By Miriam Zarriga at Wapenamanda, Papua New Guinea Standing in the middle of the countryside, the sound of heavy gunfire is loud and...

The National, Port Moresby Papua New Guinea yesterday intialled a defence cooperation agreement with the United States amid day-long protests against the signing by university...

ANALYSIS: By Barbara Dreaver in Port Moresby When I was growing up in Kiribati, then known as the Gilbert Islands, New Zealand divers came to...

PNG Post-Courier Papua New Guinea was allowed 10 people to be invited to witness the Coronation of King Charles III on in London on May...

By Miriam Zarriga in Port Moresby Two American C-17 Globemaster transport planes will bring 20 vehicles to Papua New Guinea in the next few days...

PNG Post-Courier A small speeding vehicle allegedly driven by an off-duty soldier set off a chain reaction this week that saw two security guards taken...

PNG Post-Courier An Australian-based anthropology professor and three Papua New Guinean women researchers are being held captive inside the jungles of the Southern Highlands after...

PNG Post-Courier PNG Defence Force Commander Major-General Mark Goina says “appropriate force” will be dealt to the gunmen who ambushed and wounded two soldiers in...

PNG Pacific A former Papua New Guinea military commander who drew up a plan 17 years ago to try to end gun violence says the...

Inside PNG News National Capital Dictrict (NCD) police have arrested 18 suspects following the slasher attacks on civilians yesterday outside Papua New Guinea's national elections...

Inside PNG News Forty-Two Papua New Guinea Defence Force staff have arrived in Kavieng for the national general election operations. New Ireland Provincial Police Commander Chief...

PNG Post-Courier An illegal army in full military gear and arms is being raised in Hela -- one of Papua New Guinea’s most troublesome provinces...