Tags Posts tagged with "Palestinian self-determination"

Tag: Palestinian self-determination

COMMENTARY: By Eugene Doyle “Only the struggle counts . . .  death is nothing.”  Éloi Machoro -- "the Che Guevara of the Pacific" -- said...

By Cam Wilson in Sydney A senior Nine staff journalist has resigned and readers are angrily cancelling their newspaper subscriptions as Sydney Morning Herald and...

ANALYSIS: By Alexander Gillespie, University of Waikato It was perhaps inevitable that the shock Hamas attack on Israel would become a minor election sideshow in...

Asia Pacific Report The New Zealand government bears heavy responsibility for loss of life of Palestinians and Israelis in the latest fighting in Israel/Palestine and...

NAKBA DAY ADDRESS: By Rand Hazou Although Israelis celebrate 1948 as the birth of the Jewish nation, for Palestinians this date is referred to as...

By Wafa Aludaini in Gaza During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims from all corners of the globe come together to celebrate. Each country has...

COMMENTARY: By John Minto The swearing in of the extremist leadership in Israel demands the Aotearoa New Zealand government reassess its policy towards the Middle...

COMMENTARY: By John Minto During World War I, the New Zealand government took a big area of land at Raglan from the local Tainui Awhiro...

COMMENTARY: By John Minto The absolute impunity which the Aotearoa New Zealand government has given to Israel’s racist apartheid regime over many decades and the...

ANALYSIS: By David Robie in Auckland The Pacific year has closed with growing tensions over sovereignty and self-determination issues and growing stress over the ravages...

OBITUARY: By John Minto Palestine has lost a champion of the struggle against Israeli apartheid with the death of South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, aged...

OBITUARY: By Tony Fala James “Jimmy” O’Dea (18 October 1935-27 November 2021) was a mighty activist, community organiser, family man, and working-class defender. He died...

ANALYSIS: By Kalinga Seneviratne in Sydney Since the attacks on the United States by 15 Saudi Arabian Islamic fanatics on 11 September  2001 -- now...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk The International Federation of Journalists has called for the urgent reinstatement of Nasser Abu Bakr, head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate,...

COMMENT: By Marilyn Garson in Wellington I lived in Gaza from 2011, through the attack of 2014, and for one year after. I am not...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Activists from the Papua People's Solidarity (Sorak) have protested against Indonesia's policies in the Papuan region, militarism and Israel's war on...