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Tag: Military Forces

Vanuatu Daily Post All eight Members of Parliament from Vanuatu's Tafea Province have made a bold and powerful call to French President Emmanuel Macron to...

FLASHBACK: Jale Moala, a former editor of the Fiji Daily Post, recalls the day of Fiji's coup. It's the morning of 14 May 1987, just...

The authors of the controversial investigative book Hit & Run have accused Prime Minister Bill English of ensuring the allegations of a New Zealand...

ANALYSIS: By Johannes Nugroho (Part 2) Following the awkward debacle of suspended military cooperation with Australia, in another maverick moment, General Gatot Nurmantyo told the...

ANALYSIS: By Johannes Nugroho (Part 1) Since its inception in 2014, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's administration has witnessed growing rivalry between the Indonesian Military (TNI)...

By Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson The Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant-General Tim Keating presented the NZ Defence Force response to the book Hit &...

A NZ Special Air Service soldier has confirmed civilians were killed in a 2010 raid carried out by the unit and says the truth...

Radio NZ video news feed of the Hager and Stephenson media conference last night. YouTube Author and investigative journalist Nicky Hager and war correspondent Jon...

By Catherine Graue of Pacific Beat As hundreds of police and soldiers begin their work in Papua New Guinea's Hela Province this week, there have...

AL Jazeera's report on the crisis in Myanmar: The video includes exclusive interviews with villagers who reveal accounts of military officers killing a 13-year-old...

Timor-Leste's National Alliance for an International Tribunal (ANTI) has condemned the Joko Widodo government in Indonesia for appointing retired general Wiranto as a minister...

Three hundred and fifty Indonesian soldiers from West Kalimantan’s Tanjungpura Military Command have been assigned to keep peace along the border between Indonesia and...

Thirteen Papua New Guinea Defence Force soldiers who were charged with mutiny have begun testifying. On Tuesday, they submitted to the Bomana National Court that...

I give my column space today to my favorite communication man, Professor Crispin C. Maslog. A former journalist with Agence France-Presse, Cris was director...

Democracy has died and been reborn several times in different countries in the region, writes Mong Palatino. On March 2, 1962, General Ne Win led...

By Mere Naleba in Suva The Russian Ambassador to Fiji, Vladimir Morozov, and Russia's head of the Missile Artillery Chief Directorate, Lieutenant-General Nikolay Parshin, have...

OPINION: By Dwi Atmanta in Jakarta After nearly 18 years of reform, public recognition of the Indonesian Military (TNI) as both defender of the state...

A 1988 John Pilger documentary, The Last Dream: Other People's Wars, looks at the complicated relationship that Australians have with war. A 2015 YouTube viewer's...

By Julkifli Marbun in Jakarta The Indonesian military (TNI) will strengthen its presence in the country's outlying and foremost islands particularly in the eastern part...