More than 100 PNG border soldiers from Papua frontier for polls

PNG border patrol soldiers ... drafted for elections security duty. Image: EMTV News

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk

The Joint Security Operation in Papua New Guinea’s Western Province will see more than 100 Defence Force troops assisting in the two-week general election that began on Saturday.

“These soldiers will come from the Weam Border operations of Western Province,” Western Province Elections Manager Max Paul said yesterday, reports EMTV News.

The Weam Border straddles the frontier between the Indonesian province of Papua and Papua New Guinea.

The rolling elections go into the third day this morning.

“We have over 100 polling teams,” Paul said.

Polling materials for the province were ready with most having been delivered by air and dinghy through the many river systems in the province.

“There has been little security concerns during the campaign period, and we hope that this will continue throughout the polling and counting days,” Paul said.

The three electorates in the province are North Fly Open, Middle Fly Open, and South Fly Open.