Protesters peacefully blockade central Auckland as ministers sign TPPA

Anti-PPTA protesters in the heart of Auckland today. Image: Martyn Bradbury/The Daily Blog

Pacific Media Centre

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement has been signed at Sky City in Auckland today as the downtown heart of New Zealand’s largest city ground to a halt while protesters mounted a massive peaceful demonstration.

According to some reports, up to 20,000 people were taking part in the protests around the city as trade ministers signed the controversial TPP.

Greenpeace executive director Russel Norman, a former co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Peaceful protest is the beating heart of any democracy. And that’s why today’s peaceful protests in Auckland are so important.

“They’re a direct way for people to show their feelings to the politicians and the large corporations, whose interests all too often appear to be in conflict with those of the people. And that’s certainly the case with the TPP,” he said.

“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we see more large-scale peaceful protests in New Zealand this year.”

Climate change was an example of the government doing nothing.

“And this means that we’re facing floods in our homes, and drought on our farms. People don’t want that, and that’s why this could be a year of peaceful protest.”

Live streaming today
The Daily Bloglogo and Waatea News are live streaming protest actions today.

On the hour, they have live radio coverage and a scrolling twitter account using #TPPabuse as the hashtag.

The live screen with Waatea News is loading on the front page of TDB and started from the 9am blockade and cover the large demonstration at midday.

TPPA ‘out of step with human rights’

TPPA: It’s our future

The anti-TPPA people's protest in Auckland today. Image: Scott Creighton/AUT
The anti-TPPA people’s democracy protest in Auckland today. Image: Scott Creighton/AUT
New Zealanders protest for democracy and sovereign choice in Auckland today. Image: Scott Creighton/AUT
New Zealanders protest for democracy and sovereign choice in Auckland today. Image: Scott Creighton/AUT




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