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Tag: rainbow warrior

By Ben Strang of RNZ News Thousands of New Zealanders do not believe the official version of the mosque terror attacks in Christchurch. About 5 percent...

By Rahul Bhattarai Greenpeace executive director Russel Norman praised the “people power” that gained an important victory in the “oil war” when the Rainbow Warrior...

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk The Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior 3, will arrive in Auckland tomorrow on the next stage of her "Making Oil History" tour...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk Radio 531pi Breakfast Talanoa host Brian Sagala has talked about the Rarotonga Treaty with Pacific Media Centre director Professor David Robie. "It...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk Pacific environmental and political journalist David Robie has recalled the bombing of the original Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior 33 years ago...

SPECIAL REPORT: By Max Uechtritz On Saturday, 30 years ago in 1988, I smelled death for the first time – literally. A sickening, almost suffocating, stench...

By Astari Pinasthika Sarosa in Jakarta The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior is sailing throughout Indonesia - including West Papua - as a vehicle for environmental...

Pacific Media Centre's Alistar Kata profiles the legacy of activism from the 1985 Rainbow Warrior voyage to Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Video:...

With dozens of US military bases encircling China with a "giant noose," and America's historic nuclear presence in the Pacific region, a war between...

REVIEW: By Erica George of Amnesty International NZ "Mainstream journalism has failed to communicate not only peace, but also human rights in ways that have...

At the helm of Greenpeace environmental campaign vessels for more than 30 years, Peter Willcox talks with Kendall Hutt about climate change and his...

The Arctic 30's thank you message after their release in November 2013 - cited in Peter Willcox's new book out next week. Video: Greenpeace Review...

Reviewed by Jeremy Agar of CAFCA and published on Nuclear Free and Independent Day. EYES OF FIRE: The Last Voyage Of The Rainbow Warrior, by David...

On September 18, 2013, two Greenpeace International activists were arrested during a peaceful protest at a Gazprom oil platform in the Russian Arctic. A...

Compensation for the victims of three decades of French nuclear tests in the South Pacific was a focus of President François Hollande's visit to...

This video interview with Bunny McDiarmid was by the Pacific Media Centre's Alistar Kata to mark the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the...

A rich account of the events surrounding the Rainbow Warrior affair three decades ago. Interview: With Dr David Robie Interviewer: Selwyn Manning Date: July 8, 2015 Subject: 30...

Report by Pacific Media Watch Item: 9498 David Robie France detonated 193 nuclear tests in the South Pacific, at Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls, before halting the tests...

Analysis by David Robie. This article was first published on Café Pacific WHEN the 30th anniversary edition of my book Eyes of Fire (Little Island...