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Tag: NZ pilot

RNZ Pacific Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has called again for the immediate release of New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens, who has now been held hostage...

By Singgih Wiryono in Jakarta Indonesia's former National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik says it is difficult to expect Komnas HAM...

Asia Pacific Report An Australian human rights author and poet has accused successive federal governments of “deliberately aiding and abetting” the 1969 annexation of West...

By Finau Fonua, RNZ Pacific journalist The West Papuan Council of Churches says New Zealand hostage pilot Phillip Mehrtens' life is in danger if negotiations...

Asia Pacific Report The president of a West Papuan advocacy group has appealed to the militants holding New Zealand pilot Philip Mehrtens hostage to free...

There are parallels between Indonesia’s Aceh where an Australian surfer faced a flogging, and West Papua where a New Zealand pilot may be facing...

Asia Pacific Report Free Papua Organisation (OPM) leader Jeffrey Bomanak has appealed for Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape to become a "neutral intermediary"...

Asia Pacific Report An Australian author-poet and advocate for West Papuan independence has condemned a reported threat against the life of a New Zealand hostage...

Asia Pacific Report Free Papua Organisation (OPM) leader Jeffrey Bomanak has appealed to US President Joe Biden for a “proactive role” in ending Indonesia’s “unlawful...

Asia Pacific Report A New Zealand advocacy group has appealed to the government to heed the call of West Papuan church leaders for Indonesia to...

Jubi News in Jayapura Captured pilot Philip Mehrtens has called on the Indonesian government to stop military operations in the Nduga highlands in a bid...

Jubi News in Jayapura Church leaders across denominations in Papua have urged President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to stop military operations and to promote a humanitarian...

RNZ Pacific New Zealand hostage Phillip Mehrtens, who is being held by pro-independence fighters in West Papua, appears well in a newly-released video. It comes as...

RNZ Pacific The Indonesian military has officially escalated its operational status in West Papua to "ground combat ready" following a clash with West Papuan National...

By Singgih Wiryono in Jakarta An Indonesian human rights researcher has cricitised his government's failure to negotiate with West Papuan rebels, saying security officials should...

By Stefan Armbuster of SBS World News Indonesia’s military confirms one soldier was killed and more are unaccounted for after clashes with the West Papua...

RNZ Pacific West Papuan rebels seeking independence in the Indonesian-ruled Melanesian region claim to have killed nine soldiers after Jakarta did not respond to a...

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan leader has accused Indonesia of imposing a "martial law" on the Melanesian region in response to the kidnapping of...

RNZ Pacific The authorities in Indonesia's Papua region say the search for a New Zealand pilot taken hostage by West Papua Liberation Movement freedom fighters...

Jubi News in Jayapura Indonesia's Papua police chief Inspector-General Mathius D Fakhiri has called for action to ensure that "security disturbances" in the Puncak Jaya...

COMMENT: By Philip Cass Words matter when telling the story of West Papua’s continuing struggle for independence. Recently, New Zealand media carried reports of the kidnapping...

RNZ Pacific A joint force of Indonesian military and police are claiming to have shot dead a member of the West Papua National Liberation Army...