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Tag: Australia

COMMENTARY: By Eugene Doyle Australia and New Zealand’s populations must now wake up to the fact that our countries have been drawn into what ForeignPolicy.com...

By Khalia Strong of Pacific Media Network News If the pen is mightier than the sword, then an army of journalists has assembled in Fiji’s...

Global Voices interviews veteran author, journalist and educator David Robie who discussed the state of Pacific media, journalism education, and the role of the...

By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific journalist WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's court hearing in Saipan is set to make "this dot in the middle of the...

By Eleisha Foon, RNZ Pacific senior journalist A Pacific regionalism academic has called out New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters for withholding information from...

Asia Pacific Report The West Papuan resistance OPM leader has condemned Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and US President Joe Biden, accusing their countries of...

COMMENTARY: By Myles Thomas The announced closure of Television New Zealand’s last primetime current affairs programme seems to be the final nail in the coffin...

By Kalinga Seneviratne in Davao, Philippines After being elected to the presidency in a landslide vote in June 2016, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte visited China...

COMMENTARY: By Martyn Bradbury, editor of The Daily Blog Winston Peters says Israel’s actions getting ‘out of hand’ ahead of planned Rafah offensive Prime Minister Christopher...

By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific French Pacific desk correspondent French President Emmanuel Macron has defended his Indo-Pacific vision during the traditional New Year's good wishes...

By Dionisia Tabureguci in Suva The political superpowers of the world have been gently reminded this week of Fiji’s intention to turn the Pacific islands...

By Jeffrey Elapa in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's government has appealed to the Australian Federal Police and the Singapore Police to assist PNG police...

By Rodney Duthie Lekima Tagitagivalu knows too well how the French are rugby crazy and wasn't surprised about the support shown to the Flying Fijians...

By Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific journalist in Port Vila The leaders of five Melanesian countries and territories avoided a definitive update on the status of...

Asia Pacific Report An Australian West Papuan solidarity group has condemned the reported arrest of 21 activists protesting in Jayapura over a "tragic day in...

Pacific Media Watch A new media monitoring watchdog, Muslim Media Watch, published its first edition today featuring a cover story alleging that a Malaysian cult...

ANALYSIS: By Ravindra Singh Prasad In a historic first visit to an independent Pacific state by a sitting French president, President Emmanuel Macron has denounced...

By Christina Persico, RNZ Pacific An international relations professor says that if New Zealand joins AUKUS it could impact on its relations with Pacific countries. AUKUS...

PNG Post-Courier French President Emmanuel Macron jets into Port Moresby late tomorrow for his historic visit to Papua New Guinea and will be met by...

By Hilaire Bule, RNZ Pacific Vanuatu correspondent in Port Vila Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau says Pacific security is about the security of the Pacific...

ANALYSIS: By Barbara Dreaver in Port Moresby When I was growing up in Kiribati, then known as the Gilbert Islands, New Zealand divers came to...

ANALYSIS: By Melissa Conley Tyler, The University of Melbourne and Andrea Fahey, Australian National University Today is election day in Timor-Leste, when voters are deciding...