Papuan students in Bali protest over New York pact – demand freedom

Papuan student protest Bali
Papuan students in Bali protest to mark 58 years since the New York Agreement handing Indonesia power over the Melanesian region. Image: Radar Bali

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk

The Bali chapter of the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) has held a weekend protest action at the Renon traffic circle in the provincial capital of Denpasar to mark 58 years since the UN-brokered 1962 New York Agreement.

During the action on Saturday, which was closely watched by police, the protesters issued a political statement addressed to the regime of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Vice-President Ma’ruf Amin.

The statement was also addressed to the Netherlands, the United States and the United Nations.

READ MORE: Protests against the New York Agreement

AMP Bali chairperson Jeeno said that they were taking up 10 demands during the action. They demanded:

  1. Freedom and the right to self-determination as a democratic solution for the Papuan people;
  2. The Indonesian government immediately withdraw all organic and non-organic TNI (Indonesian military) and Indonesian police from the land of Papua as condition for peace;
  3. The closure of the Freeport gold-and-copper mine and the LNG Tangguh gas field operated by BP and the MNC Group LNG plant, which are the masterminds behind humanitarian crimes in the land of Papua;
  4. The United State must be held accountable for the colonialism and human rights violations against the West Papua nation;
  5. Demilitarisation of the Nduga regency and revoke Presidential Regulation Number 40/2013 which legalises the military’s involvement in the Trans-Papua highway;
  6. Open access for international and domestic journalists to report on West Papua;
  7. The West Papuan people be given the right to freedom of association, assembly and expression;
  8. Unconditional freedom for all West Papuan political prisoners;
  9. Rejection of the extension of Special Autonomy; and
  10. Revoking of the decision to expel four Khairun University students in Ternate, North Maluku, for their involvement in West Papuan protests.

“With this statement we call on all of the people of West Papua to unite and fight to win the ideals of national liberation. For the attention and support of all the Indonesian and West Papuan people, we express our thanks,” said Jeeno.

Translated by James Balowski of Indoleft News. The original title of the article was “Peringati Perjanjian New York, AMP Papua Serukan 10 Poin Tuntutan”.