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Tag: West Papuan self-determination

By Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific journalist West Papuan pro-independence supporters are calling Indonesia's condemnation of Israel hypocritical considering its occupation of Papua for 61 years. The...

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan independence group has condemned French "modern-day colonialism in action" in Kanaky New Caledonia and urged indigenous leaders to "fight...

Asia Pacific Report A New Zealand solidarity action group has called on the New Zealand government to back indigenous independence calls in the Pacific and...

Tabloid Jubi in Jayapura The chair of the Papua Customary Council (DAP), Dominggus Surabut, says the council along with a coalition of civil organisations have...

By David Robie A tragic day of mourning. Thousands thronged the West Papuan funeral cortège today and tonight as the banned Morning Star led the...

By Asia Pacific Report editor David Robie A lively 43sec video clip surfaced during last week’s Pacific Islands Forum in the Fiji capital of Suva...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The Australia West Papua Association (AWPA) has condemned the absence of West Papua in last week's Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) official...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Indonesian police have been accused of beating two Papuan students with rattan sticks - severely injuring them -- while 20 other...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The Pacific Elders’ Voice has expressed deep concern about reports of deteriorating human rights in West Papua and has appealed to...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The Humanitarian Coalition for Papua says that the unilateral creation of three new provinces in Papua by the Indonesian central government...

By Matthew Scott of Newsroom Time is running out for a group of West Papuan students in New Zealand whose scholarships were cut -- out...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) has rejected peace talks with the Indonesian government if it is only...

The West Papua students who had their tertiary scholarships terminated by the Indonesian government have turned to New Zealanders for help. Video: Tagata Pasifika By...

RNZ Pacific West Papuan human rights defender Victor Yeimo has been formally indicted on charges of "treason" by Indonesian authorities at the Jayapura District Court. The...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk A global Papuan students abroad umbrella organisation has appealed for a meeting with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to air their grievances...

By Dhias Suwandi in Jayapura Eight youths have been declared suspects on charges of makar (treason, subversion, rebellion) for flying the banned Papuan independence flag...

From RNZ Pacific Waves Pro-independence advocates say the human rights situation in West Papua continues to worsen because of "deliberate ignorance" by Pacific neighbours and...

By Agus Pabika in Jayapura President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's visit to Papua last weekend to officially open Indonesia's National Games (PON XX) and officiate a...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The United Liberation Movement of West Papua has blamed the Indonesian military over the attack at a hospital in Kiwirok, near...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The Indonesian government has used the covid-19 pandemic as a pretext to crack down on West Papuan street protests and to...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) claims that an attack on a military post in Maybrat regency earlier this month is...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk A West Papuan group seeking self-determination has greeted Papua New Guinea on its 46th anniversary of independence, predicting that one day...