O’Neill arrest featured on PMC’s Southern Cross radio

Southern Cross
PMC's weekly Southern Cross radio programme on 95bFM ... with Sri Krishnamurthi, James Tapp, Oscar Perress (not in photo) and the Pacific Media Watch team. Image: David Robie/PMC

Pacific Media Watch

The arrest of former Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill on his arrival home in Port Moresby was featured today on Pacific Media Centre’s Southern Cross segment on Radio 95bFM.

He was arrested for questioning over allegations of purchasing two generators for 50 million kina (US$14 million) from an Israeli company without approval of the National Parliament.

O’Neill had only just returned to PNG from Australia and was quarantined for 14 days and was granted K5000 bail.

LISTEN: Sri Krishnamurthi on Southern Cross

Also discussed on the programme by Pacific Media Watch contributing editor Sri Krishnamurthi, was the pro-independence FLNKS seeking a delay to the referendum for two months because of covid-19 disruptions in New Caledonia.

However, anti-independence politician Sonia Backes said she was firmly opposed to the delay.

The ongoing saga of the past week between print giants NZME and Stuff, which went to the High Court with NZME claiming it had exclusive negotiation period Stuff owners Nine Entertainment Australia, was also highlighted.

However, Justice Sarah Katz said Stuff was getting another offer from a prospective buyer, which was revealed this afternoon to be Stuff’s chief executive Sinead Boucher.