Six couples married in mass wedding in new trend in PNG


The mass wedding in Port Moresby today. Video: EMTV News

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk

A mass wedding ceremony was conducted for six couples in the Papua New Guinea capital of Port Moresby today, reports EMTV News.

All six couples turned up looking bright and beautiful for the occasion – blue shirts for the men and purple wedding dresses for the women – where they publicly announced their vows and their love for each other.

Mass weddings has become a growing trend since the first event of its kind two years ago, when 20 couples were wedded.

On that occasion, 14 March 2015, Adelaide Kari reports that the Murray Barracks Sergeants’ Mess was the venue for the mass wedding.

Among the newly weds then was EMTV senior journalist Delly Bagu who married Gamini Waigalo.

EMTV News items are republished by Asia Pacific Report with permission.

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