Gary Juffa: Happy Independence Day PNG but what about our daughters?

The late Susan Karike Huhume ... designer of Papua New Guinea's national flag who died earlier this year. Image: Loop PNG

OPINION: By Gary Juffa in Port Moresby

“O arise all you sons of this land”… that there is perhaps one of the problems to progress in Papua New Guinea as we celebrate 42 years of independence today.

Why have we not included the daughters of this land in our national anthem? How have we totally forgotten about them in the most important task of nationbuilding?

Opposition MP and Oro Governor Gary Juffa outside PNG’s Parliament Haus. Image: Gary Juffa FB

Surely they too should rise and build this nation too since it is just as much theirs as it is that of the sons.

Yes that’s correct … our daughters too should have the right to rise up for this land and be accorded the dignity and honour of being recognised for their efforts too.

I believe we have set a negative psychological platform for Papua New Guinea’s development by excluding a significant segment of the most hardest working and intelligent people in our communities – our womenfolk.

Some will argue they are truly THE hardworking segment of our community.

Leadership and building nations should not just be restricted to menfolk. It should be based on someone’s passion willingness and ability to deliver.

it’s absurd and foolish to exclude the daughters of this land and we do it everytime when we stand up and sing our anthem.

Out of a total of 3332 candidates in PNG’s general election in July, 165 were women — 30 more than in the last election in 2012. None were elected to Parliament.