Vanuatu awaits the Oscars with high hopes for love story Tanna


By Bob Makin in Port Vila

The first-ever Oscar-nominated film made in Vanuatu, Tanna, continues to receive enormous praise.

The young lovers on the edge of the Mt Yasur volcano in the film Tanna. Image: Philippe Penel/Contact Films

The movie has just been awarded the Best Foreign Language Film award by the African-American Film Critics Association in the United States. Cast and crew are reportedly delighted.

Everyone in Vanuatu is standing by for the Academy Awards today (February 26, Los Angeles time). Tanna is in the running for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar.

To mark this momentous occasion, the Vanuatu government is hosting a public livestream from Hollywood of the 89th Academy Awards at the National Convention Centre, Port Vila, from 4pm Vanuatu time (6pm NZ time).

Cast members and the cultural director of Tanna, Selin, Lingai and JJ pose with the Best Foreign Language Film award from the African-American Film Critics Association (AAFCA) in Los Angeles, US. Photo: Vanuatu Digest/Tanna