WJEC16: Student shootings in PNG, j-schools, corruption and climate change


Heavily armed Papua New Guinea police in camouflage fatigues confront students before opening fire on them on 8 June 2016. Image: PMC video

The shootings of university students in Papua New Guinea in June, journalism education in the Pacific, climate change challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and corruption are topics in a series of Pacific Media Centre videos.

Originally filmed in live streaming sessions at the Fourth World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC) at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand on 14-16 July 2016 and at a pre-conference organised by the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia and the Pacific Media Centre, these videos are now available on the PMC’s YouTube channel:

Participants from the Asia-Pacific region were assisted with funding by the NZ Institute of Pacific Research, Asia New Zealand Foundation, Transparency International New Zealand and the Pacific Media Centre.

16 July 2016: Journalism education in the Pacific:
(Chair: Professor David Robie (PMC). Speakers: Emily Matasororo (UPNG – PNG), Dr Shailendra Singh (USP – Fiji), Dave Mandavah (VIT – Vanuatu), Misa Vicky Lepou (NUS – Samoa). Responder: Eliki Drugunalevu.

1: Speakers (including dramatic footage of the UPNG shootings in June)

2: Discussion

15 July 2016: After COP21, climate change journalism education in the Asia-Pacific:
(Chair: Professor David Robie, Professor Cispin Maslog (Philippines), Dr Hermin Wahyuni (Indonesia), Jose Maria G Carlos (Philippines), and Misa Vicky Lepou (Samoa). Responder: Dr Shailendra Singh, USP).

1: Crispin Maslog

2: Hermin Wahyuni

3: J M Carlos

4: Misa Vicky Lepou

5. Discussion

13 July 2016: Media and corruption in the Pacific:
(Organised by Transparency International New Zealand in association with the Pacific Media Centre and Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA). Facilitated by Fuimaono Tuiasau, Transparency International NZ. Speakers: Alex Rheeney, chief editor, PNG Post-Courier; Dr Shailendra Singh, USP – Fiji; and Kalafi Moala, Taimi ‘o Tonga. Responder: Associate Professor Camille Nakhid.)

1: Speakers

2: Discussion

Thanks to Marcel Allen (Centre for Teaching and Learning – CfLAT, Auckland University of Technology).

Asia Pacific Report coverage of WJEC16