PNG students take campaign to provinces – opposition MPs plan protest vote


Students from the University of Papua New Guinea – many already having left the campus after this week’s eviction order from the administration – are now taking their campaign for Prime Minster Peter O’Neill to step aside from office to the provinces. Here in this NBC News video by Priscilla Waikaidi students are campaigning in Alotau.

By Jack Lapauve Jr in Port Moresby

Papua New Guinea’s National Parliamentary Opposition is rallying in an attempt to overthrow the current government led by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

Opposition Leader Don Poyle with other opposition MPs yesterday. Image: EMTV News
Opposition Leader Don Poyle (centre) with other opposition MPs yesterday. Image: EMTV News

Opposition leader Don Polye said the student unrest and political turmoil in the current administration was a sign that a change was needed in the leadership of the country.

Opposition members made their stance this week in a news conference in Port Moresby.

Two days after being reinstated as the Member for Kandep, Polye said it was time a new leadership took over through a vote of no confidence.

“We are intact and ready to change the current government,” Polye said.

Polye made a critical analysis of the state of economy, its effects on the value of the kina, and the pressure business houses and people have been experiencing over the past 3 months.

OnTuesday, the doors of Parliament will open for the May sitting – an opportunity the Opposition will take to make their move through a vote of no confidence.

Bulolo MP and Deputy Opposition leader Sam Basil said the current events in the country clearly indicated a need for a change of government.

Over the past two weeks, the Opposition numbers have slowly increased.

Recent moves have seen Kerema MP Richard Mendani and former Attorney-General and Sinasina Yongomugl MP Kerenga Kua, joining the Opposition.

Jack Lapauve Jr is an EMTV News reporter.