DiCaprio’s eco tweet from Indonesia spurs threat on visiting foreigners

Leonardo DiCaprio in his tweeted photo showing his support of a controversial environmental campaign while visiting Indonesia. Image: ABC/Twitter

By Adam Harvey in Jakarta

Indonesia says it will watch foreigners more closely after Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio tweeted his support of a controversial environmental campaign while visiting the nation.

DiCaprio shared pictures of himself in Sumatra with environmentalists who are trying to save a rainforest from being destroyed to make way for palm oil trees.

“Palm Oil expansion is destroying this unique place,” DiCaprio said in his post.

The 41-year-old actor warned the Indonesian Mount Leuser Ecosystem was a world-class biodiversity hotspot and one of the most important areas of intact rainforests left in South-East Asia.

After learning of the social media comments, the director-general of Indonesia’s Immigration office, Ronny Sompie, warned that the comments meant DiCaprio was in breach of his visa rules.

He came in as a tourist, so wasn’t entitled to make commentary, said Inspector-General Sompie.

“We can use the immigration act towards foreigners who disturb our country’s sovereignty,” he said.

Inspector Sompie noted that DiCaprio left the country several days ago, so he couldn’t actually be deported.

Adam Harvey is Indonesia correspondent for the ABC.