Tags Posts tagged with "Cyber-censorship"

Tag: Cyber-censorship

Pacific Media Watch The Daily Blog, New Zealand's most important leftwing website of news, views and analyses at the heart of the country's most conservative...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk Nobel Peace Prize laureate and journalist Maria Ressa says that the Philippine government has ordered her news organisation Rappler to shut...

The Committee to Protect Journalists press freedom 2021 video removed by Facebook, but still available on YouTube and Twitter. Video: CPJ (Hongkong crackdown at...

SPECIAL REPORT: By Phil Thornton The military’s brutality is a daily reality for all the people of Myanmar. As Myanmar’s army prepares to deploy and...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk The #HoldTheLine (#HTL) Coalition has welcomed the dismissal of a cyber-libel charge against Rappler CEO and founder Maria Ressa in the...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Indonesia has cut off the internet in West Papua to conceal its crackdown on the peaceful liberation movement, says a leading...

ANALYSIS: By Phil Thornton As chaos flows in Burma, journalists are being forced to hide in plain sight by the Burmese military, writes senior journalist...

Reporters Without Borders The Asia-Pacific region’s authoritarian regimes have used the covid-19 pandemic to perfect their methods of totalitarian control of information, while the “dictatorial...

By Dian Erika Nugraheny in Jakarta The Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet) recorded 147 digital attacks in Indonesia during 2020, the majority...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has condemned a proposed cyber-security law in Myanmar that would organise online censorship and force social media...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has condemned the arbitrary and opaque experiments that Google is conducting with its search engine in Australia,...

ANALYSIS: By Denis Muller, University of Melbourne Terrorism, political extremism, Donald Trump, social media and the phenomenon of “cancel culture” are confronting journalists with a...

By Robert Iroga in Honiara Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare insists his government will push on with the temporary suspension of Facebook while lawmakers...

COMMENT: By David Robie The silence from Facebook is deafening and disturbing. At first, when I lodged my protests earlier this month to Facebook over the...

By RNZ Pacific Hostile media environments pose growing challenges to Melanesia's democracies, according to a new edition of the Pacific Journalism Review. With its first special...

By Samantha Bagayas in Manila A campus journalist from the University of the East (UE) in the Philippines was allegedly forced to issue a public...

ANALYSIS: By Wendy Bacon Journalism is not a crime, which is why we must support Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in his battle against extradition to...

COMMENTARY: By Scott Waide The reason why politicians in Papua New Guinea are afraid of Facebook is because it has done more in the last...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk Fiji, New Zealand and Timor-Leste have made significant gains in the latest annual Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index while...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk In a report titled China's Pursuit of a New World Media Order, the Paris-based global watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk The Timor-Leste Press Union has protested in front of the Philippine Embassy in the capital Dili in solidarity with indicted Journalist...

Pacific Media Watch Newsdesk The Paris-based global media advocacy group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has condemned yesterday's arrest of Maria Ressa, editor of the independent...