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Tag: Bougainville independence

PNG Post-Courier Bougainville Affairs Minister Manasseh Makiba has described the Post-Courier’s front page story yesterday regarding a meeting between Bougainville and national government leaders as...

By Don Wiseman, RNZ Pacific senior journalist Papua New Guinea and Bougainville appear no closer to the tabling in the National Parliament of the referendum...

RNZ Pacific Two years after beginning consultations, the Bougainville Constitutional Planning Commission has released its first draft of a home grown constitution. Bougainville expects to become...

PNG Post-Courier Opposition spokesperson for Bougainville affairs Sir Puka Temu has warned the Papua New Guinea government not to take the Bougainville ratification process lightly...

PNG Post-Courier Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama has called on Prime Minister James Marape to spell out "clearly and honestly" his fears about Bougainville obtaining independence...

RNZ Pacific Papua New Guinea's Minister of Bougainville Affairs, Manasseh Makiba, believes an absolute majority is needed for the vote on the Bougainville referendum because...

Asia Pacific Report Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama today condemned a visiting Papua New Guinean member of Parliament for "mocking" the autonomous region's independence aspirations during...

RNZ Pacific The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) wants to delay the next meeting of the Joint Supervisory Body with the Papua New Guinea government, claiming...

By Gorethy Kenneth in Port Moresby Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama says Bougainville’s future as an independent sovereign nation is inevitable and nothing can change the...

By Gorethy Kenneth of the PNG Post-Courier in Port Moresby Prime Minister James Marape says Papua New Guineans will be consulted on key constitutional questions...

Last week the Bougainville Autonomous Government announced an agreement had been reach with Panguna landowners to reopen the island's controversial gold and copper mine. Once...

ANALYSIS: By David Robie in Auckland The Pacific year has closed with growing tensions over sovereignty and self-determination issues and growing stress over the ravages...

RNZ Pacific The governments of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville have agreed on new terms for the transfer of powers. Under the Bougainville Peace Agreement, the...

By Romulus Masiu in Port Moresby Full independence will be top of the agenda pledges Ishmael Toroama, the newly elected president for the Autonomous Region...

ANALYSIS: By Keith Jackson Ishmael Toroama built his reputation as a bold fighter and later a commander in the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) in its...

By Meriba Tulo in Port Moresby Over the past month, the Autonomous Bougainville Government has made known its intention to put forward several proposed amendments...

ANALYSIS: By Ben Bohane On November 23 this year, Bougainvilleans will vote in a referendum to decide whether they wish to stay part of Papua...

By Chris Baria at PNG Mine Watch The chairman of Bougainville Hardliners Group and former combatant-turned-businessman, James Onartoo, has called on the Autonomous Bougainville Government...

Papua New Guinea's Deputy Opposition Leader and Shadow Inter-government and Bougainville Relations Minister Timothy Masiu says the people of Bougainville are closely watching developments...

The trailer for Will Watson's documentary on Bougainville peacemaking, Soldiers Without Guns. FILM REVIEW: By David Robie While a gripping film about the apocalyptic Bougainville war,...

By Clifford Faiparik The national coordination office of Bougainville affairs (NCOBA) plans to take former senior military and police officers to Bougainville for a reconciliation...

By Anthony Kaybing in Buka Bougainvilleans have been urged to present a unified front in casting their votes when the Autonomous Region of Bougainville goes...