Earthwise talks to David Robie on Pacific issues and news media

Dr David Robie of the Asia Pacific Media Network
Dr David Robie of the Asia Pacific Media Network . . . talks nuclear-free Pacific , climate crisis, and Pacific story-telling. Image: APMN

Pacific Media Watch

Earthwise hosts Lois and Martin Griffiths.
Earthwise hosts Lois and Martin Griffiths.

Earthwise presenters Lois and Martin Griffiths on Plains FM 96.9 community radio talk to Dr David Robie, a New Zealand author, independent journalist and media educator with a passion for the Asia-Pacific region.

Dr Robie, deputy chair of Asia Pacific Media Network and editor of Asia Pacific Report, talks about the struggle to raise awareness of critical Pacific issues such as West Papuan self-determination and the fight for an independent “Pacific voice” in New Zealand  media.

He outlines some of the challenges in the region and what motivated him to work on Pacific issues.

Listen to the Earthwise interview on Plains FM 96.9 radio.

Interviewee: Dr David Robie, deputy chair of the Asia Pacific Media Network (APMN) and a semiretired professor of Pacific journalism. He founded Pacific Journalism Review and the Pacific Media Centre.

Interviewers: Lois and Martin Griffiths, Earthwise programme

Broadcast: Plains Radio FM 96.9, 18 March 2024

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