Brutality escalates as Indonesian crackdown takes force in Papua

Sebby Sambom
Papuan guerilla forces spokesman Sebby Sambom ... defends the Papuan independence ragtag struggle against the Indonesian military crackdown. Image: APR screenshot SBS News

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk

Brutality in West Papua has escalates with civilian and military casualties in the past month, reports SBS News.

The killing of Indonesia’s spy chief on the ground and proscribing of the independence movement and fighters as “terrorists” has boosted fears that a major confrontation is looming.

The conflict continues to go largely unreported in Australia and New Zealand apart from on SBS News and RNZ Pacific.

Stefan Armbruster of SBS News reports here on the manhunt for Papuan guerillas in their Highlands hideouts while the West Papuan National Liberation Army claims that it will continue to kill people suspected of being spies after the killing of intelligence chief Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha in an ambush on April 25.

West Papua conflict continues and goes largely unreported in Australia and internationally.

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Posted by Stefan Armbruster on Sunday, May 9, 2021

Brig. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha
Indonesian Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha … killed in an ambush. Image: APR screenshot SBS News

Armbruster’s report features WPNLA’s spokesman Sebby Sambom, United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP) interim president Benny Wenda who accuses Indonesia of being the “terrorists” and Amnesty International Indonesia’s Usman Hamid.

He also notes that in spite of the human rights violations allegations on both sides that the Australian military continues to train Indonesian troops.

Australian troops training Indonesian forces
Australian troops training Indonesian forces. Image: APR screenshot SBS


  1. Australia’s finger is stained with indigenous blood. Australia is a blood thirsty vampire preying on indigenous blood never to be satisfied with the blood of Australian Aboriginals

    Go on, finish off what your fore fathers started.

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