West Papuans launch quake appeal for survivors in PNG Highlands


A 100 candles vigil was held in the Papuan capital city of Port Numbay (Jayapura) this week and people gathered to raise funds and donations following Papua New Guinea’s devastating earthquake. Video: Free West Papua Campaign

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk

West Papuans have set up their own Papua New Guinea Earthquake Appeal in solidarity with their fellow Melanesians across the border following last month’s devastating Highlands earthquake with more than 100 deaths.

On Tuesday, a candlelit vigil was held in the Papuan capital city of Jayapura, raising awareness and financial support for the people of Papua New Guinea.

In a media release, the organisers appealed “to all Papuans from all walks of life to participate in solidarity with our Melanesian brothers in Papua New Guinea who are stricken by the disaster”.

This message came from Benny Wenda, chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), which initiated the appeal:

Dear friends,

Following my message of condolence earlier this month after the devastating earthquake in Papua New Guinea, the situation has tragically further deteriorated and now over 100 people have died and over 300,000 people have been left without shelter.

In response to this, we the people of West Papua are standing shoulder to shoulder with our wantoks and brothers and sisters across the border in Papua New Guinea in an act of Melanesian solidarity from Sorong to Samarai. Fundraising is taking place across West Papua and a 100 candle vigil will be held in support of the people of Papua New Guinea.

As fellow Melanesians, we the people of West Papua especially feel the pain and suffering of our people on the other side of the border but as fellow human beings we can all feel such pain and we all know that it is right to support people in need. Therefore, I am urging everyone around the world to please help support the ULMWP’s PNG Earthquake Appeal and in doing so, support the people of Papua New Guinea in their time of need.

Please do donate generously here to the ULMWP’s PNG Earthquake Appeal fund, the bank details of which can be found below:

BSB Number: 088943 ,
Account Name: Peter Yossi Kovempa
Acc No :007008699618
BSP Bank, Boroko Branch Port Moresby

All proceeds will go directly to the people of Papua New Guinea in their earthquake relief effort. The people of Papua New Guinea have consistently stood by their brothers and sisters in West Papua during our suffering and struggle for self-determination. It is only right that we stand by them in their time of need too, and we urge people around the world to do the same.

Thank you very much.