UPNG students withdraw: ‘unable to concentrate’

It has been a traumatising year for UPNG students. An escalated series of events occurred after students boycotted classes in May. They were petitioning for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to step down while police investigated corruption charges against him. Image: EMTV News

Students from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) claim they are unable to concentrate and have withdrawn from their studies.

Loop PNG reported around 100 first-year students have withdrawn following the string of distressing events for UPNG students this year, including the shooting of students by police in June.

In an interview with Loop PNG, UPNG’s acting vice-chancellor, Dr Nicholas Mann, said he could not confirm the figures.

‘Life is like that’

“Life is like that. People go through certain traumas and difficulties and when they cannot concentrate, they take time off to recuperate.”

“Students were given the opportunity to resume learning. Those who are strong and can muster the challenge have come in and continued.”

Semester two is set to begin on November 7, 2016.

VIAPacific Media Centre
Duty reporter/editor of the Asia Pacific Report/Evening Report collaboration or the Pacific Media Centre at the Auckland University of Technology. Feedback: Email the editor