Tags Posts tagged with "Sovereignty"

Tag: Sovereignty

RNZ Pacific A New Caledonian member of the French National Assembly says a consensus needs to be found on Kanaky New Caledonia's future statute after...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The United Liberation Movement of West Papua has blamed the Indonesian military over the attack at a hospital in Kiwirok, near...

By Mark Ladao in Honolulu Dr Haunani-Kay Trask, a Hawai'ian leader and sovereignty activist with a distinguished career as an academic at the University of...

Tongan journalist, publisher and broadcaster Kalafi Moala talks to Pacific Media Watch project's Sri Krishnamurthi. Video: Sri Krishnamurthi/Blessen Tom By Sri Krishnamurthi After 30 years as...

OPINION: By Steve Edwards The New Zealand government’s ongoing failure to acknowledge that the British Crown did not gain sovereignty over New Zealand in 1840...

Barry Coates' speech in the New Zealand Parliament marking the end of the TPPA. OPINION: By Barry Coates There is a myth going around that President-elect...