Tags Posts tagged with "Organisasi Papua Merdeka"

Tag: Organisasi Papua Merdeka

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan resistance leader has condemned the United Nations role in allowing Indonesia to "integrate" the Melanesian Pacific region in what...

BACKGROUNDER: By David Robie Papuan independence rebels are playing a desperate game of cat and mouse with Indonesian authorities over their hostage taking last week...

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) has rejected peace talks with the Indonesian government if it is only...

By Jasmine Chia in Bangkok It is an unlikely combination: the white stars of the West Papuan and Myanmar flags, side by side. “West Papua Stands...

Pacific Media Watch The Covid-19 coronavirus is “exacerbating tensions” in Indonesia’s West Papua region and exposing the “shortcomings” of Jakarta government policy, warns a conflict...