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Tag: NZ aid

RNZ News The prime ministers of New Zealand and Papua New Guinea have signed a new statement of partnership marking 50 years of bilateral relations...

The Cook Islands finds itself in a precarious dance -- one between the promises of foreign investments and the integrity of our own sovereignty....

COMMENTARY: By Barbara Dreaver, 1News Pacific correspondent There has rightly been much debate and analysis over New Zealand’s decision to review the aid it gives...

A NZ-born Kiribati member of Parliament, Ruth Cross Kwansing, has tried to bring in some Pacific common sense into the diplomatic tiff between her...

By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific Bulletin editor/presenter Kiribati President Taneti Maamau was unable to meet New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters because he had "a...

RNZ Pacific Foreign Minister Winston Peters has confirmed New Zealand's aid for Kiribati is being reviewed after its President and Foreign Minister cancelled a meeting...

By Don Wiseman, RNZ Pacific senior journalist Fiji's Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad has told an international conference in Bangkok that some of the most...

By 1News Pacific correspondent Barbara Dreaver and 1News reporters A number of Kiwis have been successfully evacuated from Vanuatu after a devastating earthquake shook the...

By Koroi Hawkins, RNZ Pacific news editor There are conflicting reports of the official death toll from this week's massive earthquake in Vanuatu as rescue...

By Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific digital/social lead Foreign Minister Winston Peters has "hung . . . out to dry" Fiji's suspended New Zealand Director of...

RNZ Pacific Close to 8000 people have been told to be on standby for evacuation from a landslide-prone area in the Highlands of Papua New...

RNZ News New Zealand would likely continue funding the United Nations agency delivering aid in Palestine if concerns about its staff were dealt with, the...

ANALYSIS: By Terence Wood In the wake of New Zealand’s recent election, and subsequent coalition negotiations, Winston Peters has emerged as New Zealand’s Foreign Minister...

By Rashika Kumar in Suva The New Zealand government has reaffirmed its 55-year partnership with the regional University of the South Pacific and will contribute...

By Susana Suisuiki, RNZ Pacific journalist The New Zealand government has committed $15 million to support Solomon Islands provincial administrations to strengthen climate resilience at...

RNZ Pacific The Consul-General of New Zealand for the French Pacific territories, Felicity Roxburgh, says New Zealand's presence in New Caledonia is historical. She said she...

RNZ News Commander of Joint Forces Jim Gilmour says he is confident New Zealand's Hercules fleet will be up to the task as 50 Defence...

RNZ News Twenty-three people onboard an Australian Navy vessel enroute to help with the recovery effort in Tonga have tested positive for covid-19. In a statement,...

RNZ Pacific As Tonga's recovery from the recent volcanic eruption and tsunami ramps up there is growing concern for the psychological and emotional wellbeing of...

ANALYSIS: By Michael Field in Auckland Within a day of the massive volcanic eruption that rocked Tonga and severed the archipelago's communications with the rest...

Al Jazeera's report on Tonga from Auckland. Al Jazeera News It has been a week since the Hunga volcanic eruption and tsunami near Tonga destroyed large...

By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific journalist A global aid effort is underway for Tonga with vessels en route to the Pacific kingdom from Australia, the...