Tags Posts tagged with "Jeffrey Bomanak"

Tag: Jeffrey Bomanak

Asia Pacific Report A West Papuan resistance leader has condemned the United Nations role in allowing Indonesia to "integrate" the Melanesian Pacific region in what...

Asia Pacific Report The West Papuan resistance OPM leader has condemned Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and US President Joe Biden, accusing their countries of...

Asia Pacific Report The Free Papua Organisation (Organisasi Papua Merdeka-OPM) has sent an open letter to the United Nations leadership demanding that "decolonisation" of the...

Asia Pacific Report The leader of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) has called for the establishment of a "United Indigenous Nations" for global justice and...

Asia Pacific Report Free Papua Organisation (OPM) leader Jeffrey Bomanak has appealed for Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape to become a "neutral intermediary"...

Asia Pacific Report On the eve of Papua New Guinea’s hosted Pacific meetings, Free Papua Organisation-OPM leader Jeffrey Bomanak has called for an international embargo...

Jubi News in Jayapura Captured pilot Philip Mehrtens has called on the Indonesian government to stop military operations in the Nduga highlands in a bid...