Tags Posts tagged with "Gaza"

Tag: Gaza

An open letter from former Israeli Air Force "rescue" pilot Yonatan Shapira on board the Al Awda bound for Gaza. My name is Yonatan Shapira...

Former Israeli Air Force "rescue" pilot Yonatan Shapira calls for a boycott of Israel. Video: RealNews Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk The three Gaza "blockade busting" flotilla...

By Mike Treen on board the Freedom Flotilla After months of preparation and training, the Freedom Flotilla is ready to depart for Gaza today. The converted...

The situation in Gaza "is criminal and genocide", says Injustice author Miko Peled in an interview about the latest Israeli bombing attack on Hamas...

Pro-Palestinian activists have taken to the seas in the latest Freedom Flotilla in a bid to reach Gaza. Richard Sudan reports from Denmark before...

Mike Treen talks to Palestinian writer Ramzy Baroud on why he is going on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in July in a bid to...

By Rahul Bhattarai in Auckland Palestinian author and a journalist Dr Ramzy Baroud vowed today that Palestinians would never be defeated by the Israelis and...