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Tag: Editorials

Solomon Times The Solomon islands Prime Minister's office (PMO) has accused local news media of being involved in a "war on media freedom” that is...

EDITORIAL: By the PNG Post-Courier editor Matthew Vari For weeks, we have seen the election violence as it spread in horrific proportions around the Highlands...

EDITORIAL: The PNG Post-Courier The headline of this editorial, we believe, expresses what every eligible voter, business house and candidate in the nation’s capital feels...

EDITORIAL: By the Rappler team We will continue bringing you the news, holding the powerful to account for their actions and decisions, calling attention to...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk The "sorry saga" of former Breakfast celebrated host Kamahl Santamaria's abrupt departure from Television New Zealand last month has created a...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk The Post-Courier newspaper today compared Papua New Guinean Prime Minister James Marape to the infamous emperor Nero who fiddled while Rome...

EDITORIAL: By the PNG Post-Courier Papua New Guinea's police commissioner, David Manning, addressing the International Women’s Day celebrations this week, let it be known that...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk New Zealand's leading daily newspaper today contrasted the "reckless self-expression" of anti-covid mandates protesters and the dangers confronting the people of...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk New Zealand's leading daily newspaper today published an editorial exposing the "unfairness" of global media criticism of Australasian responses to covid-19,...

EDITORIAL: By The Fiji Times editor-in-chief Fred Wesley I couldn’t help but be drawn to the constant flow of emotions that came in the wake...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk New Zealand's leading daily newspaper has praised the "gift of inspiration" over global cooperation in launching the James Webb space telescope...

EDITORIAL: By the Post-Courier editors Prime Minister James Marape has defended the massive cost of sending a 62-strong delegation to the COP26 Climate Summit in...

EDITORIAL: By the Samoa Observer editorial board How strange that an Australian should have emerged as the face of Samoa in the Pandora Papers...

EDITORIAL: By the PNG Post-Courier Ten years ago, a dinghy carrying 5 medical research institute scientists disappeared in Papua New Guinea's West New Britain waters. The...

EDITORIAL: By the Fiji Times editor-in-chief Fred Wesley Fiji's Assistant Minister for iTaukei Affairs Selai Adimaitoga said quite a lot on Friday in her end...

EDITORIAL: By the Samoa Observer editorial board It perhaps wasn’t a remarkable coincidence that last month Samoa’s former Ambassador to the United Nations called on...

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk New Zealand's largest and most influential newspaper has warned the country against "lockdown fatigue" as the major city Auckland entered its...

EDITORIAL: By the Samoa Observer editorial board It would be an understatement to say that we are stunned to see that the Human Rights Protection...

EDITORIAL: By the Samoa Observer Editorial Board It has become obvious in recent weeks that the strategy of Samoa’s oldest political party is to “repeat...

EDITORIAL: By the editorial board of The Jakarta Post After chairing a cabinet ministers meeting on July 13, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said the 20th...

EDITORIAL: By the editorial board of The Jakarta Post The unanimous House of Representatives decision in Indonesia last week to endorse the revised Papuan Special...

EDITORIAL: By the Samoa Observer editorial board When Australia’s second-longest ever serving Prime Minister faced a complete wipeout at the national elections after 10 years...