Gaza and the Western media – complicit in genocide

Palestinian journalist Abubaker Abed
Palestinian journalist Abubaker Abed speaking just days before the ceasefire was announced and went into force . . . "Genocide - there are no words to describe what we're going through." Image: Dawn News screenshot APR

COMMENTARY: By Steven Cowan, editor of Against The Current

New Zealand’s One News interviewed a Gaza journalist last week who has called out the Western media for its complicity in genocide.

For some 15 months, the Western media have framed Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza as a “legitimate” war.

Pretending to provide an objective and impartial view of “the Gaza War”, the Western media has failed to report on the atrocities that the Israel has committed in Gaza. The true face of Israel’s genocidal assault has been hidden behind the Western media’s determination to sanitise genocide.

Palestinian journalist Abubaker Abed’s appeal to the world and the Western media. Video: Dawn News

Even the deliberate targeting of journalists by the Israeli “Defence” Force (IDF), a war crime, has not moved the Western media to take action. More than 200 journalists have been killed in Gaza and the Western media has remained silent.

The New Zealand and Pacific media also have nothing to be proud of in their coverage of events in Gaza. They, too, have consistently framed Israel’s genocidal rampage as a legitimate war and swept Israel’s war crimes under the carpet.

Some news outlets, like NZ’s Newstalk ZB, have gone as far as to defend Israel’s actions.

With the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza last week, One News, for the first time since Israel began its murderous assault, chose to talk live to a Palestinian journalist in Gaza. That journalist was 22-year-old Abubaker Abed.

Ignored by Western media
While One News introduced him as a reporter for the Associated Press, most of Abed’s reports have been for Palestinian news outlets like The Electronic Intifida.

On January 11, Abed made a speech condemning the Western media’s complicity in genocide. While the speech has been widely circulated in the social media, it has been ignored by the Western media.

In New Zealand, the important speech has failed to make it to the One News website.

Abubaker Abed
One News interviewing Gaza journalist Abubaker Abed who has called out the Western media for its complicity in genocide.

This article was first published on Steven Cowan’s website Against The Current. Republished with permission.