Monthly Archives: December 2022

Fij elections 14122022

RNZ Pacific More than 606,000 Fijians are expected to head to the polls today to elect a new Parliament for a four-year term. This is the...
One year after the final of three New Caledonian independence referendums

RNZ Pacific The local administration in the New Caledonian township of Canala stayed shut on Monday to mark the first anniversary of the last referendum...
Jeremy Agar (right) and Murray Horton in Crusaders/Canterbury supporters regalia

OBITUARY: By Murray Horton in Christchurch It is with great sadness that I am reporting that Jeremy Agar was found dead in his Lyttelton home...
Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem

RNZ Pacific Observers of the Fiji election have been briefed by the Supervisor of Elections ahead of polling, which begins tomorrow. Mohammed Saneem took the observers...
PNG Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey

PNG Post-Courier Papua New Guinean Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey has clarified that the miscellaneous item of K2.6 billion in the budget will be spent on settling...
A video still showing Indonesian security forces using water cannon to suppress peaceful West Papuan protesters

By Veronica Koman in Sydney As an Indonesian lawyer living in exile in Australia, I find it deeply troubling that the changes to the Indonesian...
Fiji political rivals Sitiveni Rabuka (left), a former prime minister, and Voreqe Bainimarama, the current Prime Minister

By Ravindra Singh Prasad in Suva It is an ironic fact in Fiji, a multiethnic Pacific nation of under one million people, that coups don't...
A Papuan protest

Amnesty International Amnesty International Indonesia and Amnesty International Australia have condemned the repression used against the people in West Papua when they were commemorating Human...
People's Alliance leader Sitiveni Rabuka

By Ella Melake in Suva The People’s Alliance leader Sitiveni Rabuka in Fiji says he is ready to use all the experience and knowledge he...
Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson talking to Jack Tame on TVNZ Q+A

MEDIAWATCH: By Colin Peacock, RNZ Mediawatch presenter Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s hints this week that reforms will be pared back in 2023 -- and an...
People's Alliance leader Sitiveni Rabuka

By Felix Chaudhary in Suva The People’s Alliance party leader Sitiveni Rabuka claims the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) “has sold its soul” in secretly...
Suva lawyer and Fiji Times columnist Richard Naidu

By Felix Chaudhary in Suva People are not powerless in a “real” democracy, says prominent Suva-based Fiji lawyer Richard Naidu. Speaking to The Fiji Times during...
A protest at Jakarta's Parliament gates against the new Criminal Code on 5 December 2022

Asia Pacific Report Civil society organisations which make up the National Alliance for Criminal Code Reform have slammed the decision by the Indonesian government and...
Protesters outside Starship Hospital

RNZ News The baby in Aotearoa New Zealand whose parents did not want him to receive blood from people who may have had the covid...
Fiji anti-corruption will declining

ANALYSIS: By Grant Walton, Husnia Hushang and Neelesh Gounder In 2006, Fiji’s current Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama, seized power from a government that had been...
PNG Prime Minister James Marape

The Sunday Bulletin Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape says it is very disappointing that foreign-owned media in the country continue to run “fake...
Pacific inclusive education

By Jan Kohout, RNZ Pacific journalist A new initiative has been launched in 15 Pacific Island countries to improve educational standards. The Pacific Regional Inclusive Education...
Nalati Ragolea (standing) with other Malake Villagers on their way to cast their vote at the Island

By Repeka Nasiko in Suva Malake villagers in the Ra of western Fiji have flocked to their polling station eager to vote for a government...
Anti-vax placards outside the High Court in Auckland

RNZ News The parents of a New Zealand baby at the centre of a legal dispute that has made global headlines will not be appealing...
People’s Alliance deputy leader Lynda Tabuya

By Rakesh Kumar in Suva People’s Alliance candidate Lynda Tabuya claims her 16-year-old daughter was “harassed” by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) officers...
The Pacific Media Centre project

SPECIAL REPORT: By Dr Lee Duffield The launch of a New Zealand project to produce more Pacific news and provide a “voice for the voiceless”...
Protesters at the Sydney "Free Violet Coco" rally

SPECIAL REPORT: By Wendy Bacon in Sydney NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet is pleased that a Sydney magistrate jailed protester Deanna "Violet" Coco on Friday. But...