Yearly Archives: 2021

Thierry Santa NCaledonia

By RNZ Pacific A coalition government in New Caledonia has collapsed after indigenous pro-independence politicians resigned, citing persistent economic issues and unrest over the sale...
Henry Puna

By RNZ Pacific Former Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna has been narrowly elected as the new secretary-general of the Pacific Islands Forum after a...
The Mana Wāhine Inquiry ...

By Māni Dunlop, RNZ News Māori News Director New Zealand's Waitangi Tribunal has heard the voices of Māori women have been marginalised for far too...
Dr Ashley Bloomfield 030221

By RNZ News New Zealand's medicines regulator Medsafe has provisionally approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against covid-19, with certain conditions placed on the company. In its assessment...
NZ climate action protest

ANALYSIS: By James Renwick, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand’s Climate Change Commission this week released its long-anticipated advice to the...
Mama Tini

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk Today was an extraordinary birthday for Tahiti's Mama Tini, as she is known locally - she turned 100. Emma Temaiana-Tehaamatai celebrated her...
News Corp Google inquiry

Pacific Media Watch newsdesk Nine Entertainment and News Corporation are wrong to say Google and Facebook have destroyed their business models by stealing content, according...

COMMENT: By Scott Waide In a nation such as Papua New Guinea where oral storytelling is central to the intergenerational transfer of knowledge and wisdom,...
Joko Widodo

By Ihsanuddin in Jakarta Jakarta Indonesian Doctor's Association (IDI) chairperson Slamet Budiarto has challenged a statement by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo who has claimed that...
Crowd at Jiwaka

By Gynnie Kero in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape has instructed schools to enrol all children who turn up for the...
Faa'a Airport

By RNZ Pacific Tourism is set to suffer a sharp decline in French Polynesia as the territory is about to close the border on Wednesday...
James Shaw 010221

By Craig McCulloch, RNZ News deputy political editor New Zealand is heading for a major upheaval under a landmark plan to combat the climate crisis...
Salababa rescue, Fiji

By RNZ Pacific The intensity of Cyclone Ana surprised many in Fiji which was hammered with 140km/hr gusts and heavy rain over the weekend. The storm...
Naqali Bridge, Fiji 200121

By Luke Rawalai in Suva Fiji's national curfew enforced by the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) on Friday evening has been dubbed as thoughtless and...
Covid WorkSafe NZ

By RNZ News WorkSafe took enforcement action against four New Zealand managed isolation facilities last year after reviewing their health and safety measures, it has...
Nacula village rescue

By Timoci Vula in Labasa Fiji villagers of Nacula in Labasa whose homes are under water after the Labasa River broke its banks this morning...

By Priestley Habru in Honiara Solomon Islands’ environmental authorities have highlighted the need to protect the forests from logging following a recent report on new...
Dili, Timor-Leste

Asia Pacific Report newsdesk The Timorese Episcopal Conference has called on the entire Catholic community in Timor-Leste to accept and respect Pope Francis' decision to...
Magic Talk "Enough"

COMMENT: By Shilo Kino What were you doing during the foreshore and seabed hīkoi in 2004? I wish I could say I was at the protest, gripping...
Grand Millennium Hotel

By Katie Todd, RNZ News reporter A wine delivery, a note penned on the back of a facemask and a 20-minute bedroom "encounter" have spelled...
Fred Yakasa and Sylvester Kalaut

By Karo Jesse in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea's Supreme Court has stayed a court order nullifying the appointment of David Manning as Commissioner of...
Professor Michael Baker

By RNZ News The New Zealand government should impose a week-long home quarantine for returnees after they have left managed isolation facilities to reduce the...