PNG aims to ‘unlock potential’ by hosting APEC leaders summit


RNZ Live News video by Johnny Blades and Koroi Hawkins.

By Johnny Blades in Port Moresby

Papua New Guinea is preparing to host the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)  leaders summit in November.

Leaders of the world’s biggest powers will converge on the capital Port Moresby to discuss trade and investment.

It is billed by PNG’s government as the ultimate chance to unlock the resource-rich country’s economic potential.

Despite a struggling economy, and record debt levels, the government has gone on a borrowing spree to develop the city’s infrastructure in time for APEC on November 15-17.

Johnny Blades and Koroi Hawkins are in Papua New Guinea currently on assignment for RNZ Pacific. The Pacific Media Centre’s Asia Pacific Report has a content sharing agreement with RNZ.