Mediterranean update from the Gaza ‘blockade busters’


Former Israeli Air Force “rescue” pilot Yonatan Shapira calls for a boycott of Israel. Video: RealNews

Pacific Media Centre Newsdesk

The three Gaza “blockade busting” flotilla boats (the Al Awda, Falistine and Freedom) with prominent human rights defenders representing nearly 20 countries, are now on the eastern Mediterranean heading for the port of Gaza.

The fourth boat the Mairaed will not continue with the flotilla at this time.

READ MORE: Fresh demand to end the blockade

Here is an update from the leading boat, the Al Awda, with the New Zealand representative, trade unionist Mike Treen, on board:

Update from the crew of #Alawda (25 July 2018):

“We have now sailed 5000 nautical miles from Bergen towards Gaza – with solidarity and medical equipment.

“Morale is high on board. It’s hard to understand how our politicians can sit to look at what happens when we see all that support from ordinary people who want to help other ordinary people. People who put human rights in front of political decisions.

“Put pressure on our elected officials, end the blockade and let us through. Greetings from the ship, 600 miles from breaking the blockade.”

Asia Pacific Report, through the Pacific Media Centre, is sharing Gaza Freedom Flotilla coverage with Kia Ora Gaza and Scoop Media.