PNG police plan public meeting to address Lae ‘land grabbing’


EMTV News’ Lucy Kopana reports on the Lae squatter settlements issue in Papua New Guinea. Image: EMTV News

By Lucy Kopana in Lae

Following a growing number of illegal settlements in Papua New Guinea’s second city of Lae, police have announced they will organise a stakeholders meeting next week to address the issue.

Many squatter settlements have been established on state land around the city and local residents have become concerned.

Lae police boss Commander Anthony Wagambie Jr said this would be treated as a law and order issue because the areas “become breeding grounds” for criminals.

He said many of the “perpetrators of petty crimes” live in these areas.

The port city of Lae is the capital of Morobe province and had a population of almost 150,000 at the 2011 census, but has expanded rapidly since.

Lucy Kopana is a reporter in the Lae bureau of EMTV News. This article is republished with permission.

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