Tuimalealiifano becomes new Head of State for Samoa

Tuimalealiifano Sualauvi II (centre) with Tuiloma Pule Lameko and Fa'amausili Leinafo at a Samoan Council of Deputies meeting. Image: Samoa Observer

By Brandon Ulfsby in Apia

The Samoan Parliament confirmed today that Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II has been elected as the new Head of State.

His appointment was announced by Prime Minister Tuiaepa Sailele Malielegaoi at 9.30am local time.

Tuimalealiifano will serve a term of five years with outgoing Head of State, Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi, expected to leave his position on July 27.

Tuiatua came into his position in 2007 and served for two terms – 10 years.

Tuimalealiifano holds one of the four Tama-a-Aiga paramount chiefly titles in Samoa – the others being Tupua Tamasese, Malietoa and Mata’afa.

Brandon Ulfsby is an Auckland University of Technology student journalist in his final year of the communication studies degree and who is currently on a Pacific Cooperation Foundation internship in Samoa.

VIAPacific Media Centre
Brandon Ulfsby is a third year journalism student at Auckland University of Technology and a contributor to Asia Pacific Report and Te Waha Nui. He was awarded a Pacific Cooperation Foundation internship to Samoa in 2017.