Pacific Media Watch’s Kendall Hutt spoke with 95bFM’s The Wire host Tess Barnett today about martial law in the southern island of Mindanao in the Philippines.
She says this is worrying for the Asia-Pacific region.
Papua New Guinea and the Micronesian states have significant diasporic Filipino communities.
Hutt talked about what the declaration of martial law in response to urban attacks in Marawi City, means; comparisons with the Marcos dictatorship; and the threat it poses if it continues past the “normal” 60-day period.
Kendall Hutt and colleagues present the weekly radio programme Southern Cross about Pacific issues on 95bFM on Mondays.
In Manila, Opposition lawmakers condemned President Rodrigo Duterte over his apparent rejection of constitutional provisions allowing Congress and the Supreme Court (SC) to assess the martial law declaration in Mindanao, reports Rappler.
“Is the President saying that he’s willing to violate the Constitution? He is on his way to becoming a dictator,” said Ifugao Representative Teddy Baguilat Jr.
Duterte declared martial law in Mindanao following clashes between government forces and Maute Group terrorists in Marawi City.