CAFCA calls on NZ to ‘pull the plug’ on American Empire

CAFCA organiser Murray Horton speaking at a previous Auckland seminar on foreign ownership. Image: Del Abcede/PMC

The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) says it is time for New Zealand to pull the plug and to finish the business started in the 1980s which saw the country leave  ANZUS.

“We need to break the chains – military, intelligence, economic and cultural – that continue to bind us to the American Empire,” says CAFCA organiser Murray Horton.

The advent of Donald Trump as US president provides an unprecedented opportunity to take a good, hard look at Aotearoa’s place in the world, he says.

“And to ask the question – why are we still a loyal member of the American Empire?

“As the old saying goes, you are judged by the company you keep.

“Let’s deal with the world on our terms, not on those dictated from whichever empire we happen to be a junior member of at the time.”

CAFCA is preparing to initiate and drive a nationwide dialogue to advance the case for a non-aligned Aotearoa based on policies of economic, military and political independence.

Aotearoa Independence Movement
“This is not a new thing from CAFCA – it has been part of our core issues since we were founded more than 40 years ago,” says Horton.

Somebody needs to take the initiative and we’re happy to do so.

Accordingly, we announce the launch of the Aotearoa Independence Movement and invite as many people as possible to join us.”

CAFCA says this a campaign, not an organisation.

“What is a specific example of what being non-aligned would look like? An obvious one would be to get Aotearoa out of the Five Eyes spy network and close the Waihopai spy base,” says Horton.

“That would remove this country from being entangled in wars and spying that serve the interests of the US and and other countries, not ours.

“Being non-aligned would eliminate the use of the NZ military as guns for hire in other people’s wars and prevent them committing the war crimes detailed in Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson’s new book Hit and Run.

“Another one would be to drastically tighten the foreign ‘investment’ laws governing who owns our companies and land.”


  1. Hi,
    Because I love NZ, a honest advice to NZ and people of NZ please keep yourself away from US dirty foreign Policy or you will get yourself involved in dirty actions and you will be hated by others. I do support good relations with others but with caring first about your intersts.

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